Wiring a pamco for dummies

Top of page, click on "Tech"....................go down to "Electrical" ............click on "Pamco".................read away.

Also the "Search" function in upper right corner................type in "Pamco wiring"
Black to core, green to one terminal red to the other. The one that has the red also gets a wire from the red/white on the harness that used to feed your old coils.
Yes, which one doesn't matter.

The core is the one you mount the coil on, the square metal ends that exit the coil in each end.
so the black is a ground? what do i do with the old ground that was atatched? what's the best way to atach the red/white to the red?
Black is ground yes. Mine is ground on the core, and core is grounded aswell.
I don't know what setup you have, so I can't tell you. Ground the black on the coil core and ground the core.
I am sorry, but I can't clearify it more than I already have. Take a wire with a ring terminal in both ends.

One end goes on to the frame, one goes to the core.
alright. thanks for your help

I got it done an she starts! thanks again . Once again i was making it harder than it needed to be
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