Cleaning top-end engine parts...


XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi guys,

I posted a thread a few days back about some advice on rebuilding my engine and got some really good pointers and tips. There's one thing I'm not clear on and i thought it probably deserved its own thread, as I haven't been able to readily find the info.

What is the best way for an amateur mechanic to clean engine parts?

I don't mind paying a bit, but I also don't mind working and learning, so I'm easy.

If I can do it myself, what will I need as far as tools and cleaning compounds go?

If it's best to send it to send it away, what services, exactly will I require and for which parts? Eg- soda-blasting or bead-blasting, grinding? I'm not sure, so it's hard to find a shop in my area.

I'm in Sydney, Australia, BTW. So if any of you live around here and know some places, I'm always happy to take a recommend.

Thanks in advance guys.
I take it you mean the outside surfaces of the head, top cover and cylinders? Soda or bead blasting is best. Soda if they're not too corroded, bead blasting if they are. DO NOT blast any of the internal parts or surfaces, especially with glass beads. They will imbed themselves into the alloy and won't wash out. They will come out later however, when you run the motor and it gets hot - then reek havoc throughout your motor. So, if blasting the outsides, plug and/or block off all openings to the interior.