Engine is out, yahoo!


First class butcher.
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I got the bloody thing out. It actually only took about 10 minutes once I figured out how to do it.

Remove the starter motor, probably could have left it in, but. Then, wind it up, tilt it forward, wheel the crane forward. Tilt it some more, wind it up some more, wheel the crane out until the rocker mounts are clear of the frame, then wind it up some more so the crankcase studs underneath are clear of the frame, then wheel it away.

The engine crane I made worked quite well, once I figured out how to use it. Never chipped or scraped any paint either, despite not having any protective coverings.

Once out, I put my apprentice to work, she was too slow though, so I took over with some better tools.

Making the engine removal thingie was excellent fun. Some time on the lathe (which I always enjoy) making the pivot for the tilting apparatus, then more time on the lathe making the tilting and lifting hardware, then sticking it all together with the stick welder. Probably a bit over engineered, but, that's what I do.

Originally, I tapped the engine mounting holes with a 10 mm thread and used a worm gear off a truck brake adjuster for the tilting apparatus.. That never worked at all, the worm gear was to high geared and impossible to move, and trying to line up the tapped holes with the engine mounts was an absolute nightmare, so, in the end I drilled the thread out and just used nuts and bolts

The worm gear was replaced with a lever connected to the tilting pivot, adjusted by using a
M12 x 1.75 bolt. Engine lifting screw is a 20mm length of all thread with a nut with three spokes welded in place. A bit slow but it works well.

The thingie also doubles as an engine work stand, I just added an underneath support.

I've also indexed the tilting spindle to make it easier slotting the engine back into the frame. If there was enough interest in XS650s in Adelaide, I could probably rent the thingie out.

That's all I could handle today, my neck is giving me hell now - foraminal stenosis is the latest malady. I shall be going under the knife next year sometime to give the nerve a little more room.
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Jeepers creepers this motor is a tight fit in the frame, here was the process I used: After removing front, top and rear engine mounts as well as the electrical connections I also removed the carbs and starter motor. They probably didn't need to be removed, but just to be safe and give a better visual of the lower engine mount, I thought it wise.

Attach the thingie to the engine, take the strain and remove the long lower engine bolt and the lower rear bolt, tilt the motor forward a few degrees, lift the engine several mms then move the thingie forward several mms. Tilt the motor forward a few more degrees until the rear rocker mount sits under the highest point of the top frame tube mount and the lower frame mount sits between the starter mount and the lower engine mount, lift the engine again until the lower engine mount will clear the starter and engine mount and pull the thingie out enough so the rocker mount clears the frame, that leaves about a 2 or 3 mm gap top and bottom of the engine. Then finally lift the engine again until the sump studs will clear the frame and wheel the engine away from the frame. Hey presto, engine out, no padding required for the frame, and no scratching the paintwork. Took around 10 minutes.
I've put some indexing on the pivot point so I can replace the engine without any trouble.