F'n FB scams

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Baraboo, WI, USA
Sat 4:36 PM
You sent
interested in a good 70-73 chain guard.
Harley Jones
Yes it’s available I’ve got a 72 chain guard
You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
Harley Jones
Where are you located?
You sent
I'm in WI 53913
Harley Jones
Okay I’m in Lincoln Nebraska
You sent
Asking $110
It’s still in perfect shape
Harley Jones
You sent
You mean no battery acid stain?
Harley replied to you
Harley Jones
I’ve got a spare which is still clean as new
You sent
Oops I can see the acid trail on that one.
Okay so you’ll like the one which is still clean
Harley Jones
Okay I can do $130 including shipping for the clean chain guard
You sent
I'd go that, a pic?
Harley Jones
Okay so how do we proceed I’ll be needing your full details for shipping
You sent
Let me double check mine to be sure I need a better one. you got a phone number? Gary in Baraboo WI
Harley Jones
Okay no problem just let me know if we’re gonna proceed and please get me your phone number
Today at 12:29 PM
12:29 PM
Harley Jones
Hey there
Today at 1:14 PM
1:14 PM
You sent
sorry ill go check in a bit
Harley Jones
You sent
Yeah I could use one better than what I have. any scratches or cracks pics not super sharp. my phone 608-434-XXXX. paypal?
Harley Jones
Okay I’ll be needing your full details for shipping
You sent
paypal will provide shipping info.
Harley Jones
Payment would be for friends and family right. That’s because I wouldn’t want to be faced with any issues/difficulties upon withdrawal because once payment is made I’ll do an instant withdrawal to register package for shipping providing you with a shipping receipt along side valid tracking information.
You sent
Nope, I don't know you so it'll be regular paypal. too many scams on FB
Harley Jones
Here’s the PayPal account send payment as goods and services and let me know when you’re done
You sent
Can you measure the length of the chaingaurd?
Harley Jones
You sent
Harley Jones
Let me know when you’re done with the payment
You sent
Harley Jones
You sent
Harley Jones
Length 1/8
You sent
We're done here.

Couldn't answer a simple question, up til then seemed (fairly) legit
Lotsa people getting scammed lately from internet based ads. No friends and family from me unless I know you. If it’s a matter of avoiding fees, in most cases I’ll pay the fees. From what I understand, on PayPal, if you use family and friends and something goes wrong, you're on your own. People with fake ads are real losers.
Yeah, I bought something from someone local and he was really suspicious and careful. He seemed relieved when I actually showed up and was legit. He said he always checks the FB profiles first which I thought was a pretty good idea.
When I was selling something a few days later a woman contacted me, said she was local and was going to buy it. I checked her profile, and she was from Poland, had been on FB since 2014 and had eleven friends who were all thirst traps. Nope.
We live and learn. We (mostly) grew up in a simpler era. I have been scammed myself. Fortunately it was a less than $$80 transaction. Once bitten...
My wife DID get scammed a few years ago. I forget the scam but they needed gift card numbers (8x$500 gift cards) to complete the transaction... I know you are all rolling your eyes here...:laughing: When she told me she did ask, "does this seem legitimate?" I was surprisingly calm (I wanted to load my .357 and go hunting) and contacted the gift card issuer and asked for replacements claiming I lost them.
I spent months using those fu%^ing card paying bills, dinners out and maybe part of my property taxes.
My dear wife is 11 years my senior (yes I am her boy toy at 65) and is smart as a whip but a little guilible and more trusting...
I’ve bought parts for my Shovelhead through Instagram. There are often scammers there who will take others’ digital ads and try to scam. If the user un-verified through other users I will offer to pay the extra fees on PayPal to have their added protection. Sellers usually understand once I’ve told them I’ve been burned before. It’s just another step to weed out the crooks.