XS650 Member
Hey all, I’m new to the XS650 and just picked one up not to long ago. It is a 1980 Xs650 special, I believe with stock caliper and master cylinder but I am not sure about the brake lines. When I bought it it had a broken front brake with no pressure in the lever. I have tried to bleed it multiple times with no success. I believe the master cylinder is working because I can see the piston moving and when I build pressure just using my thumb I can get it to bleed. When I attached the lines tho there’s no pressure building and the master cylinders not pushing fluid into the lines. I have cleaned all the bolts and shot air through them and the lines. I also rebuilt the caliper to make sure it’s clean and nothings seized down there. Any suggestions on next moves? New Lines? Rebuild mastercylinder? Thanks!