Hey! Who turned out the lights!


Hardly a Guru
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Surprise Az
Sitting at my kitchen table just now and the sun suddenly dimmed! I forgot we are in the path of the lunar eclipse. It’s happening right now!
Drove all the way South down to Devon with Mrs' son, to witness the total solar eclipse of August 1999. Come the day, patchy cloud. Which worsened as time came for the Big Event. We - huge crowds had gathered in that corner of England - made the most of it, that well-practiced and well-observed cultural response across the UK. It really was eerie as complete darkness fell, at least for a few minutes, all the birds stopped singing, even the people went silent.

Then light came back, crowds began to disperse, even the overcast dispersed and those still hangin' abaht showed fake enthusiasm looking at Sun through our special viewing specs mostly eaten up by Moon. Sun, that is, not specs.
Well this is what the eclipse was like over Northern Arizona,

Where I live, it really wasn’t all that noticeable. It was like somebody took out a 100 watt light bulb and replaced it with a 40. 😄 It just dimmed a little. I went outside at the peak and saw my neighbor across the street , who came out to do the same. We still had to move into the shade to talk! 😆