I hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


XS650 Junkie
Reaction score
Nothing to do with XS's other than the fact it's to dang hot to ride'em..

106 degrees today index 118...:yikes:

What is like where your at! Don't rub in to much.........
100+ and it's monsoon season. 110 is not uncommon. Now if I can just find the time...
Sunny and 82. Been in the high 90s for a couple weeks but great today.

It has been pretty miserable in MI. It's always a little cooler on the west cost of MI. I can't imagine what it would be like further south. I don't mind ridding it much, but tinkering in the garage sucks.
swbill: Remember that t-storm and down pour a week ago? I was riding home from work on my 78 xs650 when that hit. Soaked to the bone with 20 more miles to go...:(
Well you can't ride when it's like this so be happy! :)

Reading this thread made me laugh for sure...especially greppers last sentence. Last Saturday was close to 100 degrees here, engine was noisy as hell, tap, tick, tap tick...I thought I was frustrated with that until the ridiculous terential downpour. I ride a chopper, no front fender, and very minimal rear fender. Picture a full stream of water from the front and rear wheel spraying your head and face. For just about 20 miles... Luckily there was soo much rain I couldn't hear the engine...I seriously went from burning hot to a shiver, dry to drowning, yet I still found time to crack a smile...

My name is zak Klink, and I am addicted to my xs650 chopper

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