Johnt3 Just saying hello.


Still learning...
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Abilene,Kansas USA
Hi ya'll,been reading and researching the XS650. I don't have a bike yet, but hoping to get my hands on one soon.
Just wondering if anybody can tell me what the running changes and improvements were to the engine design? What year is the best? Thank for any comments in advance.
Unless you have a particular interest in restoring an old bike as a collectable vehicle look for one made from 74 or later. The years before that are a different engine with less available parts. Legend has it they have shitty handling too but some pretty knowledgeable guys who race them in the vintage racing scene have said that legend started from a smear job by the English press at the time. The engine was so much better than a contemporary triumph they knew nobody would believe it if they said the engine was shit, but a mysterious wobble that appeared at high speed, well nobody wants to find out for themselves if that's true. I own a 71 and it's never given even a hint of a wobble in the time I've had it. The suspension is absolute shit by modern standards, but hinge in the frame? Not there.