

First class butcher.
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In Oz it is frowned upon now and there is now a push to make it a criminal offence. What's your take on smacking, but to make It interesting include your age?
In Oz it is frowned upon now and there is now a push to make it a criminal offence. What's your take on smacking, but to make It interesting include your age?
I'm 63, don't have a problem with it. My parents only had to do it a few times with me. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I caught on quick. My kids and grandkids, the same. However, it was, and IMHO, used a last resort. BTW, contrary to the beliefs of some, none of us grew up to be "violent abusive brutes".
The rod wasn't spared on me and I not really sure how it affected me. I'm also 63. I didn't resort to it with my own offspring with a couple of exceptions where I thought they needed to know I was capable of it. OTOH, their mother dished out plenty. Children need to know they're loved 100% of the time. They also require discipline. If there's a better way than "smacking," I'm all for it. Gov't interference with parenting also concerns me.
Age 65. My parents really didn’t do it, I can only recall being spanked a couple times when I was a child.
Now school was an entirely different matter, all of my years up until 12th grade, nearly every classroom had wooden paddles hanging on the wall, some had holes drilled in them to make them hurt more. Some of the young women teachers didn’t have the heart for it, so they would go get one of the men teachers from down the hall to do it, or send the kid to the school principals office to have it done.

I had one mean SOB physical education teacher who didn’t mess with the paddles. He would tell you to bend over and he would kick you in the ass! Hard! 😬

I personally think there are more humane and frankly effective ways of dealing with unruly kids. Losing playtime hurts a lot more than a paddling ( which was usually worn as a badge of honor among us kids and usually laughed about later) . After school detention was much more painful to me. I had one teacher that I thought was a genius, he was a fitness buff and if we got in trouble in his class, he would make us give up our lunch and come to his class, where he made us do calisthenics for half an hour. We all hated that! 😉
I made the mistake of laughing after mom spanked my behind. Turns out a nearby pingpong paddle, aptly named, was QUITE effective. Better (for her) than the wait til your father gets home threat.
Hard to believe but guess i was a bit of a handful to raise.
As a kid I was an "ungrounded live wire" and I was a handful..but only once did I ever get smacked by my dad...He used a kitchen breadboard that was well used..he smacked my butt and the breadboard broke in 2 pcs...It already had a crack in it..Never had to do that again and I'm 70 and havent gone whacko either...One time in HS in my junior year in A teacher pulled me out of a classoom and into the hallway because i was being a as soon as we were out of everyone's sight he grabs me with both hands bt my shirt and slams me into the I kicked him in the gonads and returned to the classroom..He came back in a min. later not looking too good...But nothing more came of it...I hated that HS..I went to 4 different highschools n 4 years..and this one was the worst..Glendale HS in Springfield MO...
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I'm 71.

My folks gave us a wack every now and then, or rather my father did with his 2" wide fireman's belt. The old lady attacked me with a steel fire poker once, but she was unhinged, fortunately my sister stepped in.

I went to a catholic school as a kid, the Nuns took much delight in giving us a few wacks for the smallest of infractions. Not going to church on Sundays being foremost. All had serious weapons of their choice which they wielded with great delight: coat hangers, rulers, canes, they loved it. The Mother Superior would call us out to the front, line us up , tell us to stick our hand out and give us six across the knuckles. They hurt!

At one point my brother and I were dumped in a boarding school. The older boys all stole out of the dormitory one night, when caught they were viciously caned across the back of their legs by the nun. My friend was caned so hard his legs were bleeding. His folks turned up later, put him in the back of the car and took him away. Nuns were cruel bitches.

I only did one year of high school, our form teacher was a PE teacher and wielded the cane only very occasionally.

Funnily enough neither I, my brother, my sister, nor anyone we knew turned into a monster, but we did learn fear of consequence and respect for authority. That, I assume, also kept us out of the courtroom.

I never went around the neighbourhood with a spray can, never gave cheek to a policeman or an adult, never sat while an adult or girl stood, never wagged school, never stayed out past 5 at night, never broke into a house, never stole a car. Nor did my brother, sister or anyone I knew. Compare that with today's kids.

Now at 71, I very rarely use public transport, but when I do the wife and I generally stand in the bus because all the seats are taken by kids!
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I never went around the neighbourhood with a spray can, never gave cheek to a policeman or an adult, never sat while an adult or girl stood, never wagged school, never stayed out past 5 at night, never broke into a house, never stole a car. Nor did my brother, sister or anyone I knew. Compare that with today's kids.
Yeah, there is that. Engaged parents usually leads to kids who stay out of trouble, smacking or no smacking. I believe corporal punishment causes at least some emotional harm, especially when applied by parents or maybe even teachers. I asked my youngest daughter since my last post. She confirmed, I never struck her in any way. She seems to be just fine, married with children of her own.
Yeah, there is that. Engaged parents usually leads to kids who stay out of trouble, smacking or no smacking. I believe corporal punishment causes at least some emotional harm, especially when applied by parents or maybe even teachers. I asked my youngest daughter since my last post. She confirmed, I never struck her in any way. She seems to be just fine, married with children of her own.
There you go, I was brought up in the 50s and 60s, corporal punishment was practiced widely. I got the 'cuts' at school and the strap at home. And would you believe I grew up okay, never resented my folks for smacking me, nor my teachers. Never engaged in violence unless it was brought to me, never robbed a bank, never stole a car, never shot anyone, never stabbed anyone, never bashed anyone and I've never been in goal and never been in trouble with the law. I put that down to 'fear of consequence'. Something I think today's kids lack. Youth crime in Oz is out of control, our govt is talking about it and working on solutions to curb the problem. 12 and 13 year olds, stabbing people, setting fire to houses, stealing cars, invading homes and bashing the occupants, scibbling their names over everything. None of that went on when I was a kid! One 13 year old recently jumped in the back of an ambulance and stabbed a paramedic to death whilst he was taking a break. Everynight on the news we hear of police chasing after 13 year old kids in stolen cars. Groups of kids engaging in brawls in shopping centres, breaking into homes and bashing people with hammers to get their car keys.
A couple of years ago I caught the young kid across the road scribbling graffiti on someone's fence. I took a picture and later that night walked across the road and showed the parents what their lovely little boy was doing. 'Oh, it wasn't my son, it was his friend was the reply, denying colour footage showing their son in action. And that is the problem, parents believing their kids can do no wrong, do not set boundaries, have no idea what their kids are doing and let them roam the streets at night looking to do harm. What on earth is a 13 year old doing roaming the street at 2:00 am, what on earth are their parents thinking. And it's not just the boys: groups of young girls ganging up on one of the other kids, pulling their hair, kicking them in the face and filming it then posting it online to an audience of like minded kids who think it's great.
Those against corporal punishment say we should engage and reason with them. Yet our courts say at that young age they aren't responsible for their actions because they can't be reasoned with??? I for one say bring back corporal punishment and in some cases capital punishment. Why should my safety, my life, and that of my wife, be put in jeopardy because some do gooder wants to sit down with their kid and try and reason with 'it'?
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There you go, I was brought up in the 50s and 60s, corporal punishment was practiced widely. I got the 'cuts' at school and the strap at home. And would you believe I grew up okay, never resented my folks for smacking me, nor my teachers. Never engaged in violence unless it was brought to me, never robbed a bank, never stole a car, never shot anyone, never stabbed anyone, never bashed anyone and I've never been in goal and never been in trouble with the law. I put that down to 'fear of consequence'. Something I think today's kids lack. Youth crime in Oz is out of control, our govt is talking about it and working on solutions to curb the problem. 12 and 13 year olds, stabbing people, setting fire to houses, stealing cars, invading homes and bashing the occupants, scibbling their names over everything. None of that went on when I was a kid! One 13 year old recently jumped in the back of an ambulance and stabbed a paramedic to death whilst he was taking a break. Everynight on the news we hear of police chasing after 13 year old kids in stolen cars. Groups of kids engaging in brawls in shopping centres, breaking into homes and bashing people with hammers to get their car keys.
A couple of years ago I caught the young kid across the road scribbling graffiti on someone's fence. I took a picture and later that night walked across the road and showed the parents what their lovely little boy was doing. 'Oh, it wasn't my son, it was his friend was the reply, denying colour footage showing their son in action. And that is the problem, parents believing their kids can do no wrong, do not set boundaries, have no idea what their kids are doing and let them roam the streets at night looking to do harm. What on earth is a 13 year old doing roaming the street at 2:00 am, what on earth are their parents thinking. And it's not just the boys: groups of young girls ganging up on one of the other kids, pulling their hair, kicking them in the face and filming it then posting it online to an audience of like minded kids who think it's great.
Those against corporal punishment say we should engage and reason with them. Yet our courts say at that young age they aren't responsible for their actions because they can't be reasoned with??? I for one say bring back corporal punishment and in some cases capital punishment. Why should my safety, my life, and that of my wife, be put in jeopardy because some do gooder wants to sit down with their kid and try and reason with 'it'?
Some kids (me) need it, some kids don't (the missus). I believe that the least amount of discipline should be your first move and ramp it up if it doesn't work. My parents, whom I dearly loved, rarely had to spank me because I was a quick study. but when I screwed up and defied them... I can still hear the sound of dad's belt being pulled through the loops and that is from when I was 5 or 6 years old. I can tell you this, till the day they died died, I tried to never disappoint them.
Geewhiz you fellas were good kids! After the Boy Scout period, my Dudley Doright phase...

I stole the faculty beer.
A motorcycle (Norton twin)
Took my stuff back at gunpoint.
The rest is too illegal to mention.
(but it was several lifetimes I sorta like the cops, not that I wanna chat with them.)

I didn't spank my kids...figuring they'd be like me and only get pizzedoff...and the boy teaches mathematics, got his doctorate, the girl...well...good artist, married to somekinafinkaparatchuck in DC. Boy'll be 50 pretty soon.

I was a delinquent. Never been booked, cops beat me pretty good, once. I am amazed that things went so well...
I am for it .I am not talking about it as regularly used method
It is illegal here
The parents should have the information and given the chance to Act.
But if not ..then used with Judgement and Experience it works.

There are a few percent every year that does not respond to facts reason and arguments
You can go on and on and on and on and try to reason they will never listen out of Malice.
Just for causing trouble

Bullying -- girls breast grabbing -- foul language -- fighting
The punch on the nose and --- 1/10 of a second later it is solved.
Preferably by the father --- Fine and OK by Me --- Carry on ---Definitely no issue for Government or Officials
In Oz it is frowned upon now and there is now a push to make it a criminal offence. What's your take on smacking, but to make It interesting include your age?
'm 61 and I love a good spanking me!

No seriously; I have no problem with proper discipline that is metered with restraint.
In the UK it is now a offence for parents to take a hand / belt / cane etc to any child; even their own.
Schools cannot give physical punishment for misdemeanors. And respect for any authority has gone out the window.
Of course there were cases of over exuberance of school punishment and abuse by some teachers; especially the catholic priests!
But this was not the norm.
In my school days were were disciplined by cane / dapper and teachers throwing blackboard rubbers at us.
We grew up to respect our elders and the law.

In primary school I once beat on a kid who stole from the school tuck shop. He told the teacher and the headmistress was waiting at my home when I got back. Dad asked me if I beat the kid; I said no. But the evidence was too damning. He took the belt to me for lying not for beating the lad; I never lied again.

Today there is no fear of authority; and as the 'Youff of today' get older, lack of respect gets worse.

Bring back the school cane I say.
Speaking of catholics and teachers:

When I was very young my older brother and I were bundled off to a boarding school in the country for a short period whist my folks attempted to heal their fractured union, I was only five or six at the time. We all slept in a dorm, about 30 of us. Outside the dorm on the verandah was a small room where the dorm nun slept. If we mucked up during the night in she would rush, cane in hand. One night some of the boys decided to steal away and visit a girl's boarding school, alas, they were caught and punished. My friend, also around five or six, received the cane across the back of his legs, leaving his legs a bloody mess, next day his parents arrived, loaded him in their car and we never saw him again.

When we returned home from the boarding school we attended a catholic primary school run by nuns. Cruel doesn't describe them: all had their weapons of choice, canes, belts, coat hangers, rulers or just lengths of wood, they all relished corporal punishment, I'm sure some would have loved capital punishment even more. Chief among reasons for being punished were not doing your homework and not attending mass on a Sunday.

After primary school I was sent off to a De La Salle College run by brothers of some order, no idea which. I only finished one year of high school before my folks removed me from school and put me to work in a factory as a labourer. The brothers were an eclectic bunch: an ex boxer, with face to match, would slam his fist into the wall, whenever frustrated with us, but he was just a good actor in reality, he was quite nice. Another, Brother Martin, took a dislike to me, but looking back, I think he took a dislike to everyone and wasn't backward in using his cane. Then there was Brother Ibar, he was a very nice bloke, very patient in his dealings with us, often joined us on the sporting field and endeavored to inculcate us with learned knowledge. Many years later I read he was transferred to a school in the Eastern states where he inculcated his student with something other than knowledge, certainly leaving his students very well learned. Eventually, he was found out, tried, and went to goal, during which time he resigned from the brotherhood. But after he was released he continued his evil inculcating ways and again went to goal.

My Brother went to a Christian Brothers College, I vaguely remember one or maybe a few of the brothers there were charged with similar ofences. My brother never spoke of his time at the college, but I do have suspicions.
Speaking of catholics and teachers:

When I was very young my older brother and I were bundled off to a boarding school in the country for a short period whist my folks attempted to heal their fractured union, I was only five or six at the time. We all slept in a dorm, about 30 of us. Outside the dorm on the verandah was a small room where the dorm nun slept. If we mucked up during the night in she would rush, cane in hand. One night some of the boys decided to steal away and visit a girl's boarding school, alas, they were caught and punished. My friend, also around five or six, received the cane across the back of his legs, leaving his legs a bloody mess, next day his parents arrived, loaded him in their car and we never saw him again.

When we returned home from the boarding school we attended a catholic primary school run by nuns. Cruel doesn't describe them: all had their weapons of choice, canes, belts, coat hangers, rulers or just lengths of wood, they all relished corporal punishment, I'm sure some would have loved capital punishment even more. Chief among reasons for being punished were not doing your homework and not attending mass on a Sunday.

After primary school I was sent off to a De La Salle College run by brothers of some order, no idea which. I only finished one year of high school before my folks removed me from school and put me to work in a factory as a labourer. The brothers were an eclectic bunch: an ex boxer, with face to match, would slam his fist into the wall, whenever frustrated with us, but he was just a good actor in reality, he was quite nice. Another, Brother Martin, took a dislike to me, but looking back, I think he took a dislike to everyone and wasn't backward in using his cane. Then there was Brother Ibar, he was a very nice bloke, very patient in his dealings with us, often joined us on the sporting field and endeavored to inculcate us with learned knowledge. Many years later I read he was transferred to a school in the Eastern states where he inculcated his student with something other than knowledge, certainly leaving his students very well learned. Eventually, he was found out, tried, and went to goal, during which time he resigned from the brotherhood. But after he was released he continued his evil inculcating ways and again went to goal.

My Brother went to a Christian Brothers College, I vaguely remember one or maybe a few of the brothers there were charged with similar ofences. My brother never spoke of his time at the college, but I do have suspicions.
I went to DeLaSalle in the early 70’s it was quite the experience!