I have a load independent turn signal relay that as far as I can see just plugs into the three way socket for the original turn signal relay. Please see pictures below. I think the L terminal is in the correct position. But I think the + and - terminals are switched left to right, right to left. My thinking is that for incandescent bulbs it doesn't matter. But I don't know if it matters to the turn signal relay? My thinking is that I have a new unused turn signal relay here, I might as well replace the 47 year old original? Please refer pictures below.
Secondly, there's what appears to be a resistor mounted above the horn. What is the function of this? With the turn signal cancelling, reserve lighting and lamp monitoring nonsense all removed, do I still need this resistor? Wires are yellow and yellow/black. Something to do with the stop lamp monitoring system? I can remove it? Thanks.
Secondly, there's what appears to be a resistor mounted above the horn. What is the function of this? With the turn signal cancelling, reserve lighting and lamp monitoring nonsense all removed, do I still need this resistor? Wires are yellow and yellow/black. Something to do with the stop lamp monitoring system? I can remove it? Thanks.