XS650 Addict
I've been working through jetting for pods and pipes, and throughout the process, as well as before, it seems if I run at 70 mph for any length of time, it starves for fuel after a couple minutes. If I slow down or stop, it may die, it starts right back up but from then until I park it, it runs rough, like its running out of gas. I have aftermarket petcocks, they had plastic screens on both the ON standpipes and the RESERVE standpipes. The bike sat from 1997 til a couple months ago with fuel in it, the tank was pretty grungy but I've cleaned it a couple times, the second time because I thought newly loosened up crap had plug up my screens. I replaced the plastic screens with stainless screens that were about 7/16 diameter tubes, I pinched one end, flattened them enough to get them in through the hole in the tank, and pinched them onto the stand pipes (I didn't pinch the standpipes). As usual, my first test ride after that seemed like it was ok, but maybe I didn't go 70 for long enough? Seems like if I run 60, I'm ok, 70 it eventually starves for fuel (I think). It still could be more crap coming from places in the tank I can't see with the bore scope and the chain couldn't get to. I've had the carb bowls off several times changing pilot jets, they look nice and clean. Could the petcocks not deliver enough fuel (seems unlikely there are two of them)? Should I put in an inline filter (I don't see crap in the carb bowl, but I'm kind of curious as to what I may catch)?