Clutch not disengaging

Yeah, that 6-plate setup looks better. But, almost looks too recessed. 5twins has more experience with that later clutch, and may have something to say about that.

Yes, you've got the 1-piece pushrod configuration correct. You'll still need the balls to be 5/16" diameter.

Are you familiar with the "dimpled ends" trick?
Yes, that looks better with 6 and 5 plates. Even though these are metric bikes, for some reason they used an inch size ball, a 5/16". You might even be able to get one at a hardware store.
Alright! So I plundered around and finally found the 5/16 ball which was in a ziplock back where I put it long ago. I removed 1 friction plate and one steel plate and buttoned it all back up. Seems to work great so far.

Thanks for the help!!
5/16 = 0.3125
8mm =~ 0.3150
couple thousandths under, close enough here.
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Alright! So I plundered around and finally found the 5/16 ball which was in a ziplock back where I put it long ago. I removed 1 friction plate and one steel plate and buttoned it all back up. Seems to work great so far.

Thanks for the help!!

This one was fun to follow along. Great collaboration and a successful ending. WIN! :)
One more thing I should mention, in your pic, you appear to have the large retaining nut and it's washers assembled incorrectly. The sequence should be plain thick flat washer first, thin lock washer with the tabs and fold up sides second, and then the nut last. You appear to have the thick plain washer under the nut. And once you tighten the nut, you're supposed to fold up one side of that lock washer against it. That holds it from coming loose. It won't fold up properly with the thick flat washer between it and the nut.
One more thing I should mention, in your pic, you appear to have the large retaining nut and it's washers assembled incorrectly. The sequence should be plain thick flat washer first, thin lock washer with the tabs and fold up sides second, and then the nut last. You appear to have the thick plain washer under the nut. And once you tighten the nut, you're supposed to fold up one side of that lock washer against it. That holds it from coming loose. It won't fold up properly with the thick flat washer between it and the nut.

I had actually caught that right as I was about to button it all up. I found a new locking washer in my infamous ziplock bag and noticed it as I was taking the old one off.