
I see where your going with this. Aligations of sexual assault by woman who claim to b sexually assaulted by a predictor, is cancel culture, if the person who the allegations are against happens to ba controversial figure who walks the line of conspiracy theories......

Your saying these woman are lying and have no right to make their claim.,...........
I see where your going with this. Aligations of sexual assault by woman who claim to b sexually assaulted by a predictor, is cancel culture, if the person who the allegations are against happens to ba controversial figure who walks the line of conspiracy theories......

Your saying these woman are lying and have no right to make their claim.,...........
That seems to be their modus operandi; case in point- Trudeau went through 3 top generals of the Canadian Military before he found one that would implement vaccine mandates, all 3 where charged with allegations of sexual misconduct and fired, all 3 settled their lawsuits with nda’s.
It’s actually a very common tactic of the cancel culture mob, even that lawsuit with Trump was bizarrely suspect.

Not quite the smoking gun and bullet that Brand would have you believe.​

Yes higher than expected instances of side effects and safety triggers.

The whole article brand is baseing his assertion that "people are dying at staggering rates".

A real study not someone trying to influence and keep their audience

GVDN study​

. Discussion​

This multi-country cohort study was conducted in the unique setting of the GVDN. To date, the number of such large systematically coordinated studies across diverse geographical locations and populations is limited. However, several studies have previously assessed the risks of the identified safety signals following COVID-19 vaccination, primarily in single site settings. We investigated the association between COVID-19 vaccination and 13 AESIs comprising neurological, haematological, and cardiovascular conditions across 10 sites in eight countries including Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania. In this study including more than 99 million people vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, the risk up to 42 days after vaccination was generally similar to the background risk for the majority of outcomes; however, a few potential safety signals were identified. We observed potential safety signals for GBS and CVST after the first dose of ChAdOx1 based on more than 12 million doses administered.
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Overall, studies of the vector-based vaccines such as the ChAdOx1, have observed a higher incidence of GBS after vaccination compared with the background incidence; whereas, most studies of the mRNA vaccines, such as BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273, have not observed increases of GBS [15], [24], [14], [25], [26], [27]. Atzenhoffer et al. [24] reported an elevated OE ratio > 2.0 for adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccines, across countries contributing to VigiBase, an international database of adverse drug events and Patone et al. [27] reported 38 excess cases of GBS per 10 million exposed in the 1–28 days risk period following vaccination with ChAdOx1 in England. The authors did not observe an increased risk in those who received BNT162b2. In contrast, a study by Li et al. [28] showed no increased risk of GBS for ChAdOx1, while only SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a higher risk. The discrepancy, compared with the results of Patone et al. [27], could however be explained by a smaller sample size and different outcome measures. Overall, this evidence supports our findings of a GBS safety signal following ChAdOx1 vaccination. Although rare, this association was acknowledged by the WHO, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia, resulting in GBS being listed as a rare side effect following exposure to ChAdOx1 [15], [29], [30].
The identified increased risk of CVST following ChAdOx1 vaccination in this study is corroborated by multiple studies. An increased OE ratio was observed in a nationwide cohort study from Denmark and Norway, with increased rates of venous thromboembolic events, including CVST with an excess rate of 2.5 events per 100,000 vaccinations following ChAdOx1 [7]. Based on a variety of methodologies, other studies have also reported increased incidence of CVST after vaccination [31], [32]. Ultimately, this rare but concerning safety signal led to the withdrawal of the ChAdOx1 vaccine from COVID-19 vaccine programs or implementation of age-based restrictions in multiple countries [8].

It is crucial to acknowledge the significance threshold of prioritised safety signals applied in this study (LBCI > 1.5). This threshold was selected based on expert opinion within the GVDN and at CDC, to focus on those outcomes most likely to be true signals. Some observed events, although not fulfilling this threshold, may still hold clinical importance and require further investigation. For instance, ITP with an OE ratio > 1.0 and LBCI of 1.2 following vaccination with ChAdOx1 aligns with findings reported in the literature as a potential signal. This concurrence is highlighted in a study conducted in Victoria, Australia, which observed a substantially higher than expected rate of ITP following ChAdOx1 vaccination [33].
Moreover, we observed significantly higher risks of myocarditis following the first, second and third doses of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 as well as pericarditis after the first and fourth dose of mRNA-1273, and third dose of ChAdOx1, in the 0–42 days risk period. The elevated rates of pericarditis following ChAdOx1 vaccination identified in this study rely on a limited number of observed counts in the meta-analysis. The wide confidence interval underscores the substantial uncertainty of characterizing pericarditis as a safety signal following ChAdOx1 vaccination. However, our study confirms findings of previously identified rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following first and second doses of mRNA vaccines [21], [22], [23], [34]. A large cohort study of 23.1 million residents across four Nordic countries revealed an increased risk of myocarditis among young males aged 16–24 years, based on 4–7 excess events in 28 days per 100,000 vaccinees after a second dose of BNT162b2, and between 9 and 28 per 100,000 vaccinees after a second dose of mRNA-1273 [22]. Similarly, studies from British Columbia, Canada reported cases of myocarditis to be higher among those receiving a second dose compared with a third dose, and for those who received a second dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine compared with the BNT162b2 vaccine [35], [36]. Patone et al. [37] estimated extra myocarditis events to be between one and 10 per million persons in the month following vaccination, which was substantially lower than the 40 extra events per million persons observed following SARS-CoV-2 infection period. A systematic review by Alami et al. [38] concluded that mRNA vaccinated individuals were twice as likely to develop myocarditis/pericarditis compared with unvaccinated individuals, with a rate ratio of 2.05 (95 % CI 1.49–2.82). Given the evidence, WHO issued updated guidance regarding these safety signals and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, and EMA provided updates to the Product Information for BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines [21], [23]. TGA as well as the CDC continue to monitor and review data on myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination [39], [40].
Another potential safety signal was identified for ADEM after the first dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine, with five more observed than expected events based on 1,035,871 person-years and 10.5 million doses administered; however, the number of cases of this rare event were small and the confidence interval wide, so results should be interpreted with caution and confirmed in future studies. Although some case reports have suggested a possible association between COVID-19 vaccination and ADEM, there was no consistent pattern in terms of vaccine or timing following vaccination, and larger epidemiological studies have not confirmed any potential association [41], [42], [43], [44]. Moreover, case reports may report on coincidental events and do not establish association nor indicate causality, thus larger observational studies are warranted to further investigate our finding. To address this, a follow-up study is currently being undertaken within the GVDN, focusing on a demographic not included in our analysis. Based on reports of rare ADEM cases to the European Database of Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction, EMA assessed the potential association of ADEM following vaccination with ChAdOx1 [45]. Frontera et al. [46] concluded that chances of having a neurological event following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection were up to 617-fold higher than following COVID vaccination, suggesting that the benefits of vaccination substantially outweigh the risks. A safety signal for generalized seizures was identified following Gamaleya Research Institute/Sputnik vaccination, however the number of vaccinations was relatively low compared with other vaccines in this study. Further studies are warranted to explore this potential safety signal
That seems to be their modus operandi; case in point- Trudeau went through 3 top generals of the Canadian Military before he found one that would implement vaccine mandates, all 3 where charged with allegations of sexual misconduct and fired, all 3 settled their lawsuits with nda’s.
It’s actually a very common tactic of the cancel culture mob, even that lawsuit with Trump was bizarrely suspect.
Or just maybe sexual assault, by men against woman, is common.

US based figures

Not going to get into the politics of Trump. What I will say is, in your legal system you have grand juries who review evidence and make recommendations. In a State or Federal or civil trials you also have juries of your peers who listen to evidence by prosecutors and defence council and make their decision, (has to b unanimous), based on what they hear.
Or just maybe sexual assault, by men against woman, is common.

US based figures

Not going to get into the politics of Trump. What I will say is, in your legal system you have grand juries who review evidence and make recommendations. In a State or Federal or civil trials you also have juries of your peers who listen to evidence by prosecutors and defence council and make their decision, (has to b unanimous), based on what they hear.
Yup, sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. I stand by innocent until proven guilty. In this world, the only absolute is death.
Yup, sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. I stand by innocent until proven guilty. In this world, the only absolute is death.

My Daughter is 43 this year. Spent a month with her
, her husband and 3 daughters. The subject came up around how she protects them from predators. Most sexual assaults on children or done by friends and family.

My daughter told me, for the first time, she was left in a situation where she was preyed upon sexually.

Do I not believe her because it happened 35 years ago and took her this long to open up about it.

I don't think it's about getting it right sometimes. It is about believing and finding out the truth. Sometimes that truth is uncomfortable and on occasion listening to others, can persuade a confused person into believing what happened to them wasn't in fact reality.
My argument, or disagreement with Brand is he uses facts, the 2 different articles I posted, to cherry pick and embellish, suggest non fact assumptions, and say things like,
"this proves what you have known all along and I is what I have been saying all along"
When the information doesn't confirm to the extent of misinformation he advocates.

This is the first long-term study involving millions of people across several continents. When that say things like expected data of 63 people and it is found there are 180 people affected, then yes the side affects are higher. Take into consideration that is over a million people or 100,00 or whatever the figure may b.

Brand has to keep his audience, that is his income and there is more money to b made catering to those who want to believe conspiracies than those who are sceptics and critical thinkers

Peace out.
Soo much to see and absorb. (Everyone seems to have their own truth.)
I personally have no trust. Too many (politely saying) contradictions.
I know more people that have had unusual medical problems and do not personally know of one death.
The list is long, of people I know. Young people with problems that are uncommon,
healthy elderly suddenly stricken with problems not in family history.
My wife has tested positive with Covid as well as two of my sons.
I believe myself and my other son were infected with it also prior to everyone else, (three days felt like poo) now good to go.
Everyone inflicted after that had no effect on me, wifey in close proximity :heart: if you know what I mean.
Dad had a heart attack, my Wifes professor has three in her family with clots in their legs, the youngest in his twenty's. (athlete)
Another professor dead, the list goes on, death or unexpected serious long-term afflictions. All vaccinated.
My personal experience. KEEP IT! No, not for me or anyone I love!
Just a thunk, a lot of people must be being cremated because I don't see all the new graves from all the Covid deaths.
But whatever you do, don't believe your lying eyes, Thye'll tell you what to think.
The govt wants to control us, wants to control our thoughts, here's a tip, make an alfoil hat and wear it around wherever you go, then you'll be safe. Then there's a world govt, yep that one wears well, how many countries in this word get along well enough to form a central govt to serve all, here's another tip - none.

And then there's those damn mosquitos that follow me around al the time, they're just trying to suck the vaccine out of me. I won't let them win though, I keep topping the vaccine up, six so far, and amazingly I'm still ailv.e with all that vaccine coursing through my body. I get no side effects at all, not even a sore arm where the vaccine was injected. Not so my wife, she gets a sore arm, so, she'll probably die soon! There's a bloke up the road who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few months ago, he's only had four vaccinations, but that was obviously enough to give him pancreatic cancer. And all those people that died in their cars this week, obviously as a result of the vaccine.

I'm not look forward to turning 95, because I chose the vaccination I'll become impotent, a side effect of the vaccine. And my poor wife when she turns 95, a couple of years after me, won't be able to get pregnabnt ever again., dam, damn, double damn.

But on to a couple of things that everyone likes to ignore: the vaccines do not necessarily mean you will not get covid, no vaccine is 100 percent effective, not mumps, measles, polio, smallpox, not even covid. I've had mumps and chicken pox twice. Once when I was a litte kid pre five years old. the second well after I'd turned 40.

There are so many variations of covid now, I don't think any of the vaccines would give you much protection at all. And why are there so many variations, simple, people who refuse to get vaccinated in the first place.

So, corona virus surfaced around three years ago - wrong! There are seven variations of coronavirus, they have been around for centuries, mostly affecting animals, but it crossed the species barrier centuries ago.

The seven variations are:
  1. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  3. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
  5. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
  6. SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
  7. SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
Sometimes coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and make people sick and become a new human coronavirus. Three recent examples of this are 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV.

So, the scientists have been working on vaccines since covid 19 surfaced - wrong! Scientists have been working on a vaccine, and a cure, since the early 60s. hardly a new vaccine.

Did you know, polio is making a comeback, due to people jumping on the anti vaccine wagon. I'm sure many of the other diseases we have managed to eradicate will make a come back, and we can thank those who refuse to get their kids vaccinated. There are still many victims of polio aive. Some who were struck down by polio were put in an iron lung to keep them alive. Currenty, there is one iron lung patient left alive, he has been in an iron lung for 68 years.

But that's much better than getting vaccinated. These guys sure look happy, why not, though, don't have to shave, shower or toiet themseves. don't even have to feed themselves, its all done for them. We should all refuse vaccinations, what price happiness?

I'll just add this for those not vaccinated with humour _ LOL.


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