and we know how the rest of that one goes.
Working on the 'Cat and got the carb all cleaned up and reinstalled. Time to see if it will start and run.
I've had the maintainer on the baddry since we shoved it in the garage, green light says it's charged. Neutral, parking brake, ignition, kill switch off, hit the Not even a click. Huh. Spent several minutes double and triple checking that I hadn't missed a safety switch. All good, still nada. Put a meter on the baddry, 4 volts. Ah. Wonder why the maintainer had a green light?
Oh well, I have a full size truck battery on the bench, grab some jumper cables and hook 'em up and...STILL bupkis. Da Fuq? Well, sometimes jumper cables can be tricky to get a good connections so I bought a solenoid, made up some cables and hooked it directly to the starter motor, bypassing all the bike's wiring. Clickety-clickety-click but no ruh-ruh-ruh. What in the hell? I'd had a different maintainer on that and it had a green light too. Put a meter on it, and got 12.xx volts. Hit the start button and it pulled right down to 6.xx.
Well eff me with a stick, THAT baddry is bad too! Put my BIG roll around charger on it, set it to boost and RUH-RUH-RUH and with a little more mucking about...VROOOM!
Need to adjust the carb and finish putting the plastic back on, but overall, mission accomplished.
Working on the 'Cat and got the carb all cleaned up and reinstalled. Time to see if it will start and run.
I've had the maintainer on the baddry since we shoved it in the garage, green light says it's charged. Neutral, parking brake, ignition, kill switch off, hit the Not even a click. Huh. Spent several minutes double and triple checking that I hadn't missed a safety switch. All good, still nada. Put a meter on the baddry, 4 volts. Ah. Wonder why the maintainer had a green light?
Oh well, I have a full size truck battery on the bench, grab some jumper cables and hook 'em up and...STILL bupkis. Da Fuq? Well, sometimes jumper cables can be tricky to get a good connections so I bought a solenoid, made up some cables and hooked it directly to the starter motor, bypassing all the bike's wiring. Clickety-clickety-click but no ruh-ruh-ruh. What in the hell? I'd had a different maintainer on that and it had a green light too. Put a meter on it, and got 12.xx volts. Hit the start button and it pulled right down to 6.xx.
Well eff me with a stick, THAT baddry is bad too! Put my BIG roll around charger on it, set it to boost and RUH-RUH-RUH and with a little more mucking about...VROOOM!
Need to adjust the carb and finish putting the plastic back on, but overall, mission accomplished.