How often do you change your chain?


XS650 Guru
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Someone here said they put on a new chain every summer. How many miles do you put on a chain before you change it? I'm assuming the person I mentioned changed it to insure it didn't break. Are there any signs to look for? I've always read change the chain and the sprockets at the same time. One way of interpreting that is the chain should last as long as the sprockets.
I don't go by miles, I go by stretch. When it gets near the end of the adjustment range, I change it. I've got near 10K on my $20 Whitney chain and it's about half stretched out. It's been on there about 5 years. I inspect the sprockets for wear on the teeth and change when needed.

I can do this because I know what to look for. A kid down the street got his 1st bike this spring, a beat up 600 sport bike. When I looked at it I told him 1st thing he needed a new chain and sprockets. The chain was stretched out completely and the teeth were all hooked on the rear sprocket. That was a few months ago. He just changed this stuff a few days ago. He had to. Near half the teeth had broken off the rear sprocket, lol. I helped him get the front one off. The teeth were all hooked on it as well and the P.O. had flipped it around to get some more life out of it. I pointed this out to the kid but he didn't have a clue. He had no idea what sprocket wear was or looked like, lol.
Page 45 in the E/SE/SF manual gives a distance of 3mm between the roller and rear sprocket tooth.
Or shade treeing it at 3 o'clock on the rear sprocket with the chain adjusted you shouldn't see the tooth when you pull the chain away.
Thanks for the info. I was curious too. But please help out a noob.

When you say adjustment range do you mine the length between the front and rear sprockets or the up and down play?

I understand inspecting the teeth for wear but missing a step in understanding the adjustment range on the actual chain.
it's been a while since i looked through mine but i think a manual tells you how to measure chain links for stretch.

once a week or so just wipe clean and put new oil. motor oil works fine
The range you can pull the chain back with the adjusters.
5twins if this isn't what you meant, don't let me put words in your mouth.
My question was answered before I even hit "post reply". Thanks everybody.
wait, so i can lube my shit with motor oil? a buddy of mine suggested chain saw oil? what's the best lube to use?
R U constipated? jk
If you have a new improved o-ring chain petroleum products aren't
advised. If you run the older style 30 weight works.
I use Kal-Gard Chain Kote. Best stuff I've ever used and I've tried lots of different ones over the years. Worst I ever tried was that chain wax shit. Absolute trash. I used it up lubing light pivot points on the bikes like the folding footpegs - and it wasn't even very good at that, lol.
Hey! Start your own thread. You'll get more responses anyway.

Well, my sprockets have no discernible hookedness, and I have plenty of adjustment left, but I fail the three o'clock pull test. That might add up to a worn chain that's a good length, for one reason or another. Coincidental fit from a different bike, removed link, or something.
I use Kal-Gard Chain Kote. Best stuff I've ever used and I've tried lots of different ones over the years. Worst I ever tried was that chain wax shit. Absolute trash. I used it up lubing light pivot points on the bikes like the folding footpegs - and it wasn't even very good at that, lol.

I agree with ya there, chian wax is shit. I use 80w gear oil on my chain or motor oil.

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Well, yes, I guess you can use just about anything, just keep it "wet" with lube. But as I said, the best I've used is the Kal-Gard. Hard to find but worth the search. Try it and you'll never want anything else. I got my 1st can years ago from, of all places, JC Whitney. I ordered some chain lube, that's all it said - "Chain Lube" - and that's what they sent me. It was fate, lol. Now I'll use nothing but.
The slickest substance I know of is Liquid Wrench Chain Lube. Spray it on your air hockey table and you couldn't tell it wasn't turned on. Plus it seems completely impervious to weather. I will use that, or motor oil slathered on with a brush but I don't think it's ever actually needed lubed again since the first treatment with the spray.