One a good note the engine lives! Yesterday I installed the carbs and filled them with gas. I didn't try to start it yesterday as I had concerns about fuel leaks. I wanted it to sit overnight as see if I had any. And yes for you eagle eyes out there I know the float bowl screws are too long, I have shorter ones coming and they will not be button head they will be normal allen head.
This morning no fuel leaking from the float bowls or crossover tee. Put in a freshly charged up battery,set the choke and hit the starter. It started instantly, she was running after the first compression stroke. Yippee! After running for 10-15 seconds went to half choke. It was idling way too fast, just had to back off the idle screw. After less than a minuet took the choke off completely and finished setting the idle. Motor sounds great, no noise from valve train, no cam chain. I have not checked anything in the engine other that it had compression, with only 973 miles on it it should all be fine. I'm sure eventually I'll check the valves and cam chain. Feeling the exhausts it seems the carbs are balanced pretty good.
Speaking of the choke I was concerned as to how it was going to work because I had drilled the that little hole out in the float bowl to get it clear. I thought at worst it would flood when trying to start it with full choke. It didn't, it started great. I'm sure it's richer than what it was from the factory. Also even though it's very cold outside my shop is 70F. So I think the choke will be ok.
So far so good.
This morning no fuel leaking from the float bowls or crossover tee. Put in a freshly charged up battery,set the choke and hit the starter. It started instantly, she was running after the first compression stroke. Yippee! After running for 10-15 seconds went to half choke. It was idling way too fast, just had to back off the idle screw. After less than a minuet took the choke off completely and finished setting the idle. Motor sounds great, no noise from valve train, no cam chain. I have not checked anything in the engine other that it had compression, with only 973 miles on it it should all be fine. I'm sure eventually I'll check the valves and cam chain. Feeling the exhausts it seems the carbs are balanced pretty good.
Speaking of the choke I was concerned as to how it was going to work because I had drilled the that little hole out in the float bowl to get it clear. I thought at worst it would flood when trying to start it with full choke. It didn't, it started great. I'm sure it's richer than what it was from the factory. Also even though it's very cold outside my shop is 70F. So I think the choke will be ok.
So far so good.