Leaky petcock fix?


XS650 Addict
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Okay so I've had a problem with my petcock leaking.('75 stock tank and petcocks) The large rubber gasket that has the holes for the on and reserve flow are worn as in the hole has a nick out of it. it sits flush with the metal body but the small tear out of the hole allows fule to flow into the hole thats supposed to be against the metal body. Now I understand a gasket kit is fairly cheap but I'm on next to no money and I've been hearing the rebuild kits people have been buying are a piss in the dark at best.

Is there a fuel resistant gasket sealer or something I can artfully fill these tears so the gasket is flush and stops or slows this leak? It really only leaks in the off position filling the bowl slowly until it spills the excess out of the overflow, then stopping till it refills.

I know this isn't a desirable way to "fix" this problem but I had to use a freakin fence hinge lock and bent bracket to hold my pipe so thats my budget. LOL It's solid with no shake.

Flip the rubber disc over, that's all. Simple fix that usually works. Check the back of the petcock arm, the part that rubs on the rubber disc, for sharp edges around the holes or burrs. Gently smooth or round off any you find with a small sharp knife. That's what tears the disc up is those sharp edges sweeping over it. Also lightly lube all the petcock parts upon reassembly. I use grease on the metal parts and a silicone rubber lube on the rubber. It will operate smoother and easier.
Permatex makes a gasket maker that's oil resistant, but it might not hold up for long in an application where there's fuel containing alcohol. If you're going to spend 6 or 8 bucks on a sealant for a temporary fix, it's likely false economy when you can rebuild the petcock for $16.00. Another idea, though, might be to try to replicate the gasket out of like material. I understand the money thing, but I'd not be inclined to compromise on any component whose job involves handling/containing fuel.


Edit: Just saw twins post... never thought of that! Hope that works for you!
Okay sweet. I wasn't going to buy any gasket sealer etc. I have a ton of different kinds and wasn't sure what was the best concerning the make-up of the sealer.

5twins, Thanks! I never thought of that. And I looked at it a min. ago and didn't realise the PO has the levers on the wrong sides. The lever marked with a L is on the right and vicey versy. lol I'm not sure if this is a big deal but I'm going to change them anyhow. Thanks for the link also. Indispensable knowledge here. Thank you gentlemen.