My garage sale find(s)

Unbelievable !
Let this be an object lesson if one dies while still holding lots of precious to you stuff. As much as your relatives may wish to respect your memory, it's just stuff blocking a parking spot in the garage to them.
Let this be an object lesson if one dies while still holding lots of precious to you stuff. As much as your relatives may wish to respect your memory, it's just stuff blocking a parking spot in the garage to them.

I had this retired couple living next door to me. The old man had built this elaborate model train set up in his garage, it took up the entire garage, he was so proud of it. Literally the day after he died, his wife drug it all out to the curb and stacked it up for the trash collector! :laugh2:
I had this retired couple living next door to me. The old man had built this elaborate model train set up in his garage, it took up the entire garage, he was so proud of it. Literally the day after he died, his wife drug it all out to the curb and stacked it up for the trash collector! :laugh2:

About guarantee it was intercepted before the trash man got it.
Yes, people throw away lots of good "junk", lol. Now that I'm retired and can't scrounge off job sites anymore, I go out driving around in my van on junk days. I've managed to score some nice stuff so far, mostly, and my main objective, steel scraps for projects.