There is no sure fire fix that I know of. Some peen the little tabs on the weights to widen them out some. Show us a good pic of your advance unit and maybe we can spot something. Here's the one on my '78 and it shows some wear. The alignment slash marks (yellow arrows) are off .....
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I think what happens over time is the sharp corner of the slot in the little center disc cuts into the side of the little tab on the weight. This allows the little disc to rotate more in the CCW direction, to retard more. So, when these units wear, I don't think it's so much that they advance more, it's the opposite, they retard more. But the end result is the same, the total advance amount grows.
Even though my unit shows signs of wear, the bike still times up fine. I set my idle timing a bit retarded, over at the right slash mark of the idle timing "range" .....
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..... and that puts the full advance about like so, a degree or two below the full advance slash mark .....
View attachment 208084
So, if you have them available, maybe just swapping different weights on will fix it, ones with less wear on their little tabs.