This'll take a bit to 'splain...
Customer sent me pics of his TCI rotor. Think you got a bad PO? Look what his did.
Notice anything odd? Besides the "speed holes" that is... Take a minute...
Yeah, that's an early style rotor with a newer TCI ring plate on top.
So... obviously I ain't even gonna attempt to rebuild one that's been hacked like that. After ponderin', I asked if he wants me to put his ring plate on an early style rotor core. So he sent me just the ring plate.
'Nother notice anything odd.... ?
Yeah, 3 inner holes and 4 outer... when what we need is 6 inners. Set it in the jig just on the off chance.... and sumbich, the 3 inners line up exactly with the ring plate and timing mark.
Screwed the ring plate on and used it as a guide to start the other 3 holes.
Transferred it to the drill press, and drilled and tapped the holes with a 3X.7 mm tap.
...and here we are... all better. 5.2Ω, runout and balance checks are good. If you look back at the first pic, you'll notice that about half the TCI magnet has been busted out. I went ahead and cut the rest of it out with an end mill bit and J B Welded a new one in it's place. The mill bit kinda walked on me a bit, so the cutout is a bit bigger than it needs to be. Looks like either my quill or spindle has picked up a bit of play. Dunno... seems to me a drill press should last longer that the 25yrs this one did. The magnet's solid enough though... ain't goin' nowhere... but it does look a bit ugly. No worries, it'll still do it's job.
I don't normally do this, but I'm gonna put it on the run stand just to make 100% certain this configurating sparks the plugs and make 'lectricity... and also make note of any deviation in timing.
Then send it on it's merry way to Cali.
Never say die.