Why can't Ebayers be honest

I seen that original survivor 78 or 76 tracker also and its hard to believe the money is where it is on the bid. Its funny but sad somebody is going to have to put some cold hard cash down when the bid ends.

I have seen items on e-bay being sold used that can be bought new for the same price they listed, and I have seen junk but then again some folks may look at my bikes and call em junk lol.

I am currently waiting on some parts I just purchased off E-Bay and I can't wait to see em, It looks like I got a great deal on some very hard to find high dollar parts thats why I love E-Bay.

It would take years of going to swap meets and walking thru piles of bikes to find what I can find on e-bay by cliking buy now baby :) Did I say I love E-bay