Should I buy a tx 750

I had a cbc700sc and it was a good bike for me. Something with a little more umph would be good. Are the 850's powerfull for their class.
Has anyone installed an XS650 engine in a TX750 frame?

I know of a fella that installed a CB750 engine in a TX750 frame, looks great~


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That might be me Lawrence , it was done back in 1977 , still going and still riding it, I'm in Brisbane , Australia , check out my Youtube Channel, ( Classic Motorcycles Australia ) you'll find some videos of my Yamonda.
That might be me Lawrence , it was done back in 1977 , still going and still riding it, I'm in Brisbane , Australia , check out my Youtube Channel, ( Classic Motorcycles Australia ) you'll find some videos of my Yamonda.
post a couple pics here? Especially build/conversion info!
Hi everyone, new here. I wanted to seek out advice here on a tx 750. I have read about them some and know of the oil starvation problem. I understand it was solved but the reputation could not be saved. This bike is a few hours away from me and might could be gotten for less than the $250.00 asking price. Are many engine parts and other stuff interchangeable with the 650. I know parts for a 650 would be much easier to come by. The bike was supposed to be very smooth and had a lot of breakthrough features such as the double front brake and a brake pad indicator light. Ideas guys? What year is this one. I know the problem was solved in the final year.



Assuming as well with the desirable swing arm, wheels etc this bike can make money parted out. It would be a shame as it seems complete.
Only final year having factory fitted upgrade, So I would not consider previous years because dealership upgrade could have been badly done …