Ggggary, great pics and vids. Yup, them's the budget SOK shoes (MikesXS and CruzinImage), with the lousy anchor post fitment. You found an increase in radius at the area near the cam.
It takes a lathe with at least a 12" swing to really do this correctly. Glad you can chuck it up and check this. Might want to try a re-arc job. New shoes are supposedly arched at 179mm, but the drum is 180mm. The idea would be to preset and lock down the cam to at least 10°, then turn the shoes to the target drum diameter of 180mm. Your lathe is the best method.
I was thinkin' on making a drum sander system on my drill press, like this.
But, if the shoes are already arced to 179mm, the cam may need to be rotated even more, maybe 15°. And all you'll end up with is the equivalent of worn, bedded-in shoes. Maybe not a bad thing.
Again, the 12" lathe is the best for this re-arcing. Need a way to solidly clamp it in the chuck, using an axle, spacers, and nut. Found some thick wall 20mm ID steel spacer stock.
I received one, 32mm OD, 20mm ID, 7"long. Precision stuff.
That one pic shows using tiewrap to hold the brake lever arm. *ooof*. A bent piece of allthread is more solid, simple Justa thought.