Itchy Boots Fan Boi's (Spoilers Ahead)

Bob, I was thinking the same - if she falls lord have mercy. It didnt look like she had protection for her arms and elbows and I think her gloves are the ones she wears normally and that for the rocky/loose terrain I was wishing she had something more substantial, at least some armour for her elbow area and some of those chunky/knukle type gloves. (shit - Im getting into this too much - even my wife asks "hows Itchyboots going - has she had an update recently").
Noraly is going to be back Wednesday riding in the HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS.

I watched that today, it was pretty good! Royal Enfield must think she is a real brand ambassador for them. She was riding a brand new Himalayan , a model that has not been released yet, and she was singing its praises. 😃
She’s back! With another installment from India. I won’t give anything away, but she starts from an already high elevation and only goes up up up!

In the Himalayas there is such a stark beauty to it. Compared to Africa, I’m amazed at how , on even remote roads, the asphalt is well maintained and even the dirt roads are smooth and rideable.

Another great episode! 👍🏻
Btw….The lake she starts from , Pangong, has a lot of info on Wikipedia. It’s actually pretty interesting.
Happy to say my wife is now fully hooked! We started watching her first season together last night. I see some Itchy Boots binging in our future. Hilarious because she was quite miffed when I started watching, and commenting on and on, about this woman on YouTube a few years ago. :laugh2:
Considering my recent third bike acquisition, something crazy is going on in my motorbike universe!
Happy to say my wife is now fully hooked! We started watching her first season together last night. I see some Itchy Boots binging in our future. Hilarious because she was quite miffed when I started watching, and commenting on and on, about this woman on YouTube a few years ago. :laugh2:
Considering my recent third bike acquisition, something crazy is going on in my motorbike universe!
I don’t watch Itchy Boots without my wife. The same goes for 2up and Overloaded. Any others, she tunes out. The last episodes of 2up have had no motorcycle footage. They’re in Borneo. Orangutans are featured. Interesting stuff -good footage.