Looking for parts


XS650 Member
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I am looking for places to get parts for my 1974 650. I am doing a brat style custom and I need new controls, clutch and front brake as well as a low profile master cylinder and clutch/brake cables. I am new to this and I am having trouble finding these parts.
ardcore, tc bros, G&L, mikesXS, 650 central

dont know what kind of controls you want but hope that gives ya a good start or atleast something to keep ya busy for awhile! :D
Just about any controls from any bike that uses 7/8" bars can be bolted up. Switches can even be made to work if you rewire them to suit your bike. The possibilities are endless. Almost every dirtbike and Japanese streetbike up to present will work. Be careful of the Japanese cruisers - some use 1" bars from the factory. eBay is your friend in this situation. Or find a local guy that has a bunch of Junkers sitting around that you can throw him a few beers for permission to snag some parts.

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