Over torqued drain plugs


XS650 Addict
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I brain farted and torqued my drain plugs to 85ft. Lbs.(don't laugh), with new crush washers, should I leave it till the next oil change, or loosen them and retorque, if so will I need to replace the crush washers?
Just because they call them crush washers, that doesn't mean you have to do that to them, lol. I would loosen them now and tighten back up to a more reasonable setting. I wouldn't bother with a torque wrench. This is something you should learn a "feel" for. Can't say if the crush washer is toast yet. You'll just have to try it and see. I usually spin the plugs in by hand then tighten with a wrench 1/8 to 1/4 turn more to crush the washer a little. Not totally mashing the washer flat the first time will give you 5 or 6 oil changes before the life has gone out of it and it's replacement time.
Thanks, that's what I'm worried about, loosening them up retorquing, and getting a leak, I don't have any spares, if I leave it I wonder if they will be a bear to get off once the engine has heated up and cooled down so many times.
Thats almost 3 times the recommended setting. With a new crush washer the plugs don't need much torque at all to do their job. If it were me, id loosen it.

As for the washer, try annealing it. Use a propane torch and heat it cherry red. Allow it to air cool and it will soften it. No guarantees though.
Give a guy a long enough wrench............

You just demonstrated my #1 argument against torque wrenches (and other tech) reading a gauge used as a replacement for, well, thinking. Just spouting... :wink2:
Normally the manu will call out with a special note if required torque on a fastener is unusual. I think many owners fall for "it was real hard to loosen so I need to make it really tight" logic.
Your crush washers are copper, yes? If so, you can anneal them and use them over, and over, and over, and....

Use a propane torch and heat them to cherry red. Let them cool and crush them again. You can do this over and over. The annealing softens them.
Hi dude,
I bought my '84 NOS in '86.
It's first oil change took a 16" breaker bar to undo the drain plugs.
Knowing no better, I annealed the sealing washers and re-used them many times over.
Some years later I was in the Yamastore and finally remembered to get new washers in case I should ever need them.
I told the counterhand:-
"these ain't right, they look like copper o-rings and mine look like plain copper washers"
"And these will look like that too, sir, once you've done them up."