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Cb 450  project.jpg After finishing up my little red scooter project... decided it's time to drag out a long neglected " I'll get too it, someday......" project. Picked this 450 up a few years ago. Last ran 1985. First, a can of engine degreaser.. and a visit to the local car wash. Once at the shop.. pulled plugs.. tossed in Marvel oil.... I like to let the Marvel do it's job.. while I attend to the bike... during this time I add more Marvel and turn the engine over often.
Tossed in a battery (weak)... got lights (very dim) turn signals, won't flash and both the horn and the starter made a noise.... laid the plugs against the engine and toggled the points... " spark ! "... I pulled the carbs and was surprised they didn't reek of crud, no white death. Carb kits and floats on order. Once carbs rebuilt.. start engine and if it's sound good I'll attend to the other issues... fork seals, caliper-pads, master cylinder. The plan is to sell it in the spring. I got a Honda 450.. good bikes.. Don't need another one. Then a buddy told me about a craigslist parts GL650 Honda, the " Twisted Twin ". I've been looking for one.. this model has dual disc brakes... my Cx500 trike has golf cart rear drum brakes ( CJ rear end ) and one disc.. fine for city streets and parking lots.. but any speeds above 45 they don't preform well. So.. got the non-running title.. cheap..$175.oo. So between the Cb450 and rebuilding the front end of the GL650..installing it on the Cx500.... I think I have " winter " project.. covered.

If you don’t already know… all the brass in those carb kits go straight into the bin.