The bigger the clearance, the more oil you let in, so bigger is better as long as it doesn't make too much noise. .006" is usually good on the exhausts (no excessive noise) so I don't go smaller on them. With standard, stock rockers, I use .003" on the intakes. I wish I could go bigger but they make noise if I do. Eventually, I'll put the elephant feet adjusters in my '83 as well and then I'll be able to use the bigger setting on the intakes. But that will have to wait for a topend teardown. Unfortunately, that may come sooner than I'd like. Even though the topend was done only a few thousand miles ago on that bike, it was more than a dozen years ago, lol. An Athena head gasket was used and as you may have heard me mention, it seems they have an age limit. After about 10 years or so, they go bad and start leaking. And that's exactly what seems to be happening.