Right now I'm listening to...

8 Track anyone?

just between you & me & the wall your a fool the amazing rhythm aces - Large.m4v​

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XTC the best rock / pop band of their decade in my opinion.
Andy Partridge and his fellow cohorts could put a tune together with great lyrics; and then some.
Hers a few to get a taste:

And one of my big likes as it has a moral theme; but its all in the lyrics:

FRANK SINATRA With the Count Basie Orchestra.
One of my top five albums; I have two versions of this on Vinyl. An original mint copy worth ££££ (never sell it) and a remastered heavy wieght vinyl version which is also wonderful. A must hear album for anyone.


Jerry Reed "She Got the Goldmine, I got The Shaft"​

JD I don’t know why your post videos don’t always (often) allow viewing in Blighty. Maybe post the search source. I like a lot of what you introduce me to so keep on posting, I just need a chance to see / hear it.
Hi JD, you can tell me to sod off, I won’t be offended, honest!
If you are finding this wonderful music from YouTube: as the video is running just ‘left click’ on the playing image and select ‘Copy’. Then go to our posting site on the thread and left click and select ‘Paste’ that normally works.
Or just tell me to Sod Off!
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@JOHNDADDY, yours isn’t working.
He's really good! The drummer's
I’ve got Bill Abel 10 feet from me. He’s rocking the house with gospel.

Yup, he's been playing for a long time!
Great tune, love the fret work.
Live fast, die young and leave a good lookin corpse is a bit past me LOL.
Nobody thought I'd see 20. I sure fooled them.
I'm sick and dying, living older than I should have, fast and ugly.
It's one helluva ride. Twist the wick and send her!
Maybe that's why the wife bought me a bike. :laugh:
She has been lookin at me kinda funny like recently, :laughing: