pulled the boys 83 XS650 out to get it ready for the season. Key on, press start button, nothing. Not even a click.
Jump across the starter solenoid, rur-rur-rur! Ok, starter is fine.
Check the trigger wires on the solenoid. Blue/white shows continuity to ground when start button is pressed. Red/White has no voltage, even in neutral. So I'm suspecting the Starter Safety Relay.
I read a tutorial on bypassing the relay elsewhere on this site. Said to connect the red/white wire to any switched power source. I did that. Vroom! Started right up.
Shift into gear, though, and bike dies. I confirmed it's the neutral sensor. Bike running, unplug neutral sensor, bike dies.
So something is missing in the tutorial I read, on bypassing the Starter Safety Relay. Can anyone help me with this?
pulled the boys 83 XS650 out to get it ready for the season. Key on, press start button, nothing. Not even a click.
Jump across the starter solenoid, rur-rur-rur! Ok, starter is fine.
Check the trigger wires on the solenoid. Blue/white shows continuity to ground when start button is pressed. Red/White has no voltage, even in neutral. So I'm suspecting the Starter Safety Relay.
I read a tutorial on bypassing the relay elsewhere on this site. Said to connect the red/white wire to any switched power source. I did that. Vroom! Started right up.
Shift into gear, though, and bike dies. I confirmed it's the neutral sensor. Bike running, unplug neutral sensor, bike dies.
So something is missing in the tutorial I read, on bypassing the Starter Safety Relay. Can anyone help me with this?