What have you done to your XS today?

I've done a lot as of late. PMA and Sparx Capacitor conversion. New handlebars. New headlight, which was immediately stripped of paint and clear coated. New electronics box, etc.

PMA + new headlight is AWESOME. I can finally see at night!




Hey Carbon, I hate you. lol -- tim

:D I know :wink2: It will be cold tomorow. but it will warm up in a couple day after that.
But I did go for a good ride this morning and will again right after this post :)

I started on my electric leg today cut out the pieces for the frame it took exactly 12' of 1" square tube. getting ready to go pickup some 3/4" coldroll round stock for the axles. I will order the pillow block bearings, sprockets, and roller chain today
WOW !! Mrriggs has done it again. The show and tell writeup is perfect. If he did decide to knock out a few hundred I feel their would be a line pretty quick. I also realize it is a lot of time and work to make them. He is correct in his assumption the Chinese will have a leaking version of it before you know it. Thanks to mrriggs for his vision. tim
I started her up and road over to a friends home.
Then an other friend showed up and we road out to the boonies.
Hung out for some time then we road back to town.
A good day around 75f this afternoon :thumbsup:
I just got back from a ride to the boonies with my son. Pretty good kid even though he rides a Honda.:D Florida has it's advantages.
Found I could move the spacer to the side in the front wheel and pounded on my wheel bearings to get them out to no avail. Got to get a better tool. Will a blind bearing puller bring them out?