Who else is getting SEQUESTERED ?

I guess a guy with a CDL and some driving experience can also get a job in no time.


Most of the ads you see are for drivers, but the ads always emphasize experience. The longer you've been doing it the better. Some of the companies are mom and pop operations but if you get on with an outfit like Haliburton you'd probably do great. The locals complain about all the truck traffic but it's really nothing. They're really complaining about how it is compared to what it used to be I guess. There are ads for shuttle drivers, no cdl required. There are rumors some of the trucking companies will train you but I don't know. I started to look into it then other opportunities turned up.
$20.00 an hour, shit you guys do it hard over there. Min wage is $17.00 ph here and if you are part, (less than 36 hpw), time with holiday and loading it is $21.60 ph min.
$20 per hour is real good money here unless you have technical or management skills. Minimum wage is less than $7.25 Then again we can find $200 XS650s........
My household will be taking a 20% cut in revenue starting next month so it is personal to me. Of course it is political but it is by no means a "whim." Mr. Obama gave his banker backers what they wanted. In Europe they call it "austerity" here it is "the grand bargain." No matter what you call it it is the 1% sucking the economic blood out of the 99%.

The problem isn't the so called 1%, these are the people who create jobs and sign most of our paychecks, they also pay the bulk of the taxes in this country. The real problem is the politicians and the uninformed idots who elect them. How many of us have read the constitution lately and really understand whats in it, other than championing an amendment or two. How many of us did any research before the last election and really looked into the issues, beyond what the media shoved down our throats. We're too busy watching television, playing video games, posting on facebook, and mindlessly chatting on our cell phones to actually use our heads to think about what makes this country run. Grow some real fucking balls people and start holding your elected officials accountable!

No personal offense intended to you burns, it's just that the whole occupy wall street 1% vs 99% argument is simply ridiculous. It is designed to distract us from the real cause of this country's economic problems, the government. The 1% vs 99% thing is just to set up the wealthy as scapegoats. We go after the wealthy while the real culprits sit in Washington slowly picking this country to pieces. A wealthy man signs the paycheck that enables me to support my wife and four kids, it's the government who takes a chunk of that money away.
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Amen. If this admin. wasn't so worried about his enviromental friends we would see more help wanted signs like in N. Dakota. My friends dad was unemployed for over a year here in Az. as he was in the construction business. When the house building came to a hault here he set around for a year sucking up his savings. Finally he went to N. Dakota with another man and they have been working everyday since. They can't build them fast enough. Only gets home every 4 months or so but at least he is back to work.
Go find an active coal miner. The EPA regulations put in place by the current administration where KNOWN to have unachievable goals for emissions, and have effectively destroyed the coal industry. You can thank them for your electricity going up 12-15% over the last couple of years, and it's not done yet. Killing coal is mandatory to making the arugment for wind and solar, and the administration was able to do that from within, as whomsoever controls the non-constitutional "branches" of government can do whatever the hell they want. More and more the eye of scrutiny is gouged out of our representative branch, and meted off to cabinet posts. As long as those people are not spending money, they can do whatever the hell they want it seems. Anyone remember any congressional hearings on eliminating coal, that fueled the industrial revolution, that fed the demand for massive amounts of power needed to produce for the world wars, that has been the primary source of emplyment for Appalachia for generations, that remained up until a couple of years ago perhaps the second most efficient way to boil billions of gallons of water for steam to make electricity? NO, someone just decided that coal was too dirty one day as a power source. The same someone "owes" supporters and political allies big time for funding and support. 1% indeed.
Our governor announced yesterday if we added 300,000 people to medicaid we would be eligible for 5.7 million in federal money........... federal money? Where does federal money come from?????? NO THANKS Governor Nixon.

Our local congressman campaigned on less government spending two years ago.
Last week he was quoted as saying the congress people should get a raise cause it is small an amount in the whole picture.........

The top one% spurs and supports the economy less than is presented.

Nobody talks about the other 1% that lives their entire lives supported by the economy.

Unions take their contract ques from government example. Holidays, prevailing wage amounts and working conditions.....
Your ever seen a school superintendent that had an office that wasn't a carpeted spacious enviromentally controlled area. Now complete with security amenites.
They should have a desk in the hall by the front door.
Then the government can claim validity that it is worth the $ because they would make that amount in the private sector.

If the book 1984(fiction) was able to get so many things right(or close enough we can relate) about the future, who is to say the author of Soylent Green won't get it right for 2022.

Anybody else watching the amount of concern over poluted food crops from contaminated soil in China. Or the smog. And we fuel it with our need to consume.
I'm afraid their enocomy has reached the point they don't need us. It has become self perpetuating.

Man this shit is depressing.......