Who's using Firefox?

- google is all about data mining-makes them a fortune and quietly very dangerous
Opera is pretty fast. Tabbed pages were a feature several years ago. Unfortunately the free version has pop-ups.

Noah by Gen-9 is a free browser and e-mail client. Ideal for those who have several e-mail accounts, POP3 and web based.

In addition to IE and Opera, I still use Mozilla some. Amazing the hold nostalgia can have.
I use Firefox. On Mac OS. Every once in a blue moon there'll be some website that doesn't image correctly onscreen or the checkout doesn't work with Firefox, but so far it is the most trouble-free browser I've found, including Safari.
I initially used firefox for many years now as it had the feature where it could block pop ups. Tabbed browsing is a great feature too and IE evidently thought so too as IE has that feature now.If I want to view something as IE would I have installed a plug in called IE tab. Another plug in I use is called Download helper. Great for downloading music videos or just music. Tried Crome but didn't like what I was hearing about it so uninstalled it. Firefox has lots of cool plug ins.
i use firefox, have for years, can't stand IE any more, and i wasn't too crazy about chrome, it was faster, but glitchy and uses a lot of memory, and safari just feels clunky.

i've used opera off and on too, mostly because it tends to work where others don't...
Yeah, I am running Firefox ,it was part of my Ubuntu package. What I was wondering about. is anyone else having problems with any Microsoft based web pages ?. MSNBC seems to hate firefox or maybe it is the Ununtu.......

I dunno

I haven't really ever had a problem that I can remember. I now have IE, Firefox, and Chrome so if something doesn't seem right in Firefox, I'll try the page in a different browser. There are plenty of little things that don't work (or look right) in IE that work in Firefox or only work in IE because whoever designed the webpage wrote some extra code to make it work in IE. :shrug: It wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft was doing some quirky thing to make their pages work better with IE.
Upgraded to Firefox 3.6 a couple of weeks ago and was a bit dissapointed as it is supposed to be 14% faster. Finally shut down my computer and caught up on all of the updates and now i find Firefox to be one hell of a lot faster and has some nice extra features :thumbsup:
I'm still on 3.5.7 and I have auto updates on. I wonder why they're not pushing it out to everyone automatically yet?
Well that was an easy upgrade.. took like two minutes. I guess for version upgrades you need to use Tools > Check for Updates. Maybe the auto updates are for security only?
yeah curt talked me into trying it on page one. I didn't like that it doesn't even support Google translator in their own browser. You'd think Chrome would at least have the functionality that Firefox has when combined with the Google toolbar. Chrome should have all the Google tools build in.