$9,000 craigslist chopper

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Good grief.... not sure I'm fond of this new world way of "never back down... always double down."

Actually, Griz has a point... no one called you out. That's in contrast to your " ....pathetic, absurd condemnation from a whole lotta meely mouths."
Mind you, I'm thick skinned, so I didn't blow a cork at being called mealy mouthed.... jus' sulked for a moment's all... :er: :sneaky:

I'd guess the irony is lost.... You start with complaining about us.... "Denigrating individuals..." and then go on to denigrate us as "meely mouths."

"Denigrating individuals and their bikes because it doesn't fit "your" taste. Obviously they aren't real bikes... pathetic, absurd condemnation from a whole lotta meely mouths. Absolutely ridiculous."

You do realize calling people names for calling people names falls squarely in the hypocrisy column, don't you? And I'll leave alone the fact that no one here "denigrated an individual."

"Hiding behind the weak azz cowardly humor attempt excuse... sheesh."

Did you just call him a coward?
No, I'm guessin' your response will be you called the act cowardly, not the person. But then, that would stand in conflict with this statement....
"I am the opposite of politically correct. I prefer straight shooters. I prefer the honesty. Knowing where people stand."

"I am more disappointed in your failure to just own it than I am by your postings."

Well Jim you sure got me.

You do realize calling people names for calling people names falls squarely in the hypocrisy column, don't you? And I'll leave alone the fact that no one here "denigrated an individual."

Sure that can be veiwed as hypocritical.
Or perhaps it is as simple as responding on the same level. Whichever way you choose to see it doesn't matter to me. My choice will be to respond in kind.

"No one here denigrated an individual"????

She's probably directing it at a guy with a real motorcycle and getting ready to dump the Triumph molester.
"REAL Motorcycle"
Yea your right again Jim.
No implying that a hardtail isn't a lower class of motorcycle. Not denigrating at all.
What was I thinking??

Oh that's right... NO INDIVIDUAL was denigrated.
My bad.

"Dump the Triumph MOLESTER"
Dayum... got me again!
What was I thinking??? Molester??
I mean you are right. Clearly my mistake in veiwing that remark as derogatory, demeaning, or denigrating. You know, english is only my native language but I obviously have an issue comprehending some words.
Well one of us does anyway....

Did you just call him a coward?
No, I'm guessin' your response will be you called the act cowardly, not the person. But then, that would stand in conflict with this statement....
"I am the opposite of politically correct. I prefer straight shooters. I prefer the honesty. Knowing where people stand."
Sheesh Jim you are on a roll.
Wearing my azz right out aren't you. LOL.
Well Jim it is obvious that you already know the act is cowardly. So indeed that is what I said and what I meant. Finally we are in agreement on reading comprehension. Hooray.
Might be a good day after all.

No conflict at all.
I was very clear in what I said.
The meaning is clear.
What you decide to embellish or add inference to beyond the obvious is up to you.
Just as it was your choice to ignore the denigrating, demeaning comments made about hardtailed motorcycles and their owners.
I don't have the need to tiptoe and innuendo.

I seriously doubt anyone has a misunderstanding about where I stand. I am pretty clear.
Of course I had a complete misunderstanding of Griz's world class comedy act.
Completely my mistake.
One which I have already very sincerely apologized for. What can I say..?
The punch lines flew right over my head and I totally missed out on all that fun.

I must say that your failure to highlight my apology and add it into the lesson plan you so thoughtfully created for me is mildly disappointing. But I do appreciate your lackluster effort to intervene. You should have stuck with the failed humor theme instead of trying to say it didn't happen...?????
Well Jim you sure got me.


Dude, unless someone made you the "what's acceptable here" nazi and forgot to inform the rest of us, you'd be well served to take the previous advice and grow some thicker skin. You're the one who launched into a diatribe against us mealy mouths 'cause you didn't like us talkin' shit about hard tails. Get over yourself.
Well Griz..
Sure enough no one attacked my bike or myself.
I suppose that means I should just scroll on and watch the Hate Wagon roll on by.
It is no surprise that these types of comments pop up on these Craigslist type threads.
The bike's owner is not present to read the disparaging remarks. No harm done.
Yea.. I get it.
Postings of these non member machines invite opinions that are not generally acceptable
if used about a members motorcycle. So when the opportunity presents itself....
Yea.. Why not just get real and tell us how you really feel.
I mean my skin is fine, so let it loose. I don't find myself insulted by asinine comments.
I don't have a problem with it. I am the opposite of politically correct.
I prefer straight shooters. I prefer the honesty. Knowing where people stand.
The first line of my reply says it clearly...
"Hardtail Hate is strong on this forum."
It is an observation. It is as obvious as the sun in the sky. It's not just you.
The vast majority of active members are advocates of stock/semi stock bikes.
Nothing wrong with that. It is to be expected.
It is easy to see by observing the membership's bike selections.
It is reflected in the membership voted calendar.
It is made abundantly clear when perusing the comments of similar threads.
There are a few like yourself that are spectacularly clear about their distaste for hardtails.
No "Perception" required. My posting simply pointed it out.
I am more disappointed in your failure to just own it than I am by your postings.

Hiding behind the weak azz cowardly humor attempt excuse... sheesh.

My mistake.. My apologies.. Totally sincere. You are a hilarious comedian and I simply missed the high browed humor you are flinging.
I mean this entire forum is aware that you are actually a hardtail aficionado and you are filled with nothing but love for all things xs650, especially hardtails. No doubt your postings are littered with examples showing the true you and your love of hardtail bikes. Yea, Let's go with that.
Carry on.

Well Jim you sure got me.

Sure that can be veiwed as hypocritical.
Or perhaps it is as simple as responding on the same level. Whichever way you choose to see it doesn't matter to me. My choice will be to respond in kind.

"No one here denigrated an individual"????

"REAL Motorcycle"
Yea your right again Jim.
No implying that a hardtail isn't a lower class of motorcycle. Not denigrating at all.
What was I thinking??

Oh that's right... NO INDIVIDUAL was denigrated.
My bad.

"Dump the Triumph MOLESTER"
Dayum... got me again!
What was I thinking??? Molester??
I mean you are right. Clearly my mistake in veiwing that remark as derogatory, demeaning, or denigrating. You know, english is only my native language but I obviously have an issue comprehending some words.
Well one of us does anyway....

Sheesh Jim you are on a roll.
Wearing my azz right out aren't you. LOL.
Well Jim it is obvious that you already know the act is cowardly. So indeed that is what I said and what I meant. Finally we are in agreement on reading comprehension. Hooray.
Might be a good day after all.

No conflict at all.
I was very clear in what I said.
The meaning is clear.
What you decide to embellish or add inference to beyond the obvious is up to you.
Just as it was your choice to ignore the denigrating, demeaning comments made about hardtailed motorcycles and their owners.
I don't have the need to tiptoe and innuendo.

I seriously doubt anyone has a misunderstanding about where I stand. I am pretty clear.
Of course I had a complete misunderstanding of Griz's world class comedy act.
Completely my mistake.
One which I have already very sincerely apologized for. What can I say..?
The punch lines flew right over my head and I totally missed out on all that fun.

I must say that your failure to highlight my apology and add it into the lesson plan you so thoughtfully created for me is mildly disappointing. But I do appreciate your lackluster effort to intervene. You should have stuck with the failed humor theme instead of trying to say it didn't happen...?????

"I must say that your failure to highlight my apology and add it into the lesson plan you so thoughtfully created for me is mildly disappointing. But I do appreciate your lackluster effort to intervene. You should have stuck with the failed humor theme instead of trying to say it didn't happen...?????

The apology
There are a few like yourself that are spectacularly clear about their distaste for hardtails.
No "Perception" required. My posting simply pointed it out.
I am more disappointed in your failure to just own it than I am by your postings.

Hiding behind the weak azz cowardly humor attempt excuse... sheesh.

My mistake.. My apologies.. Totally sincere. You are a hilarious comedian and I simply missed the high browed humor you are flinging.
I mean this entire forum is aware that you are actually a hardtail aficionado and you are filled with nothing but love for all things xs650, especially hardtails. No doubt your postings are littered with examples showing the true you and your love of hardtail bikes. Yea, Let's go with that.
Carry on.

How to write an apology?
What is an apology letter?

The purpose of an apology letter is to atone for a mistake, offense, or harm that you caused toward another party. In addition to acknowledging your responsibility in the situation, it’s an opportunity to validate the recipient’s experience and feelings. It’s also a way to begin to restore trust and communication in the relationship by affirming how you’ll work to repair the damage and avoid causing offense in the future.
Keep in mind that an apology letter is not a tool for justifying your actions or exculpating yourself. The letter is for the recipient, meant to address your actions and their feelings.
BP, you appear to believe that the expression of any opinion with which you strongly disagree is somehow inspired by hate. OK, have it your way, I'm a hateful old man and I'm too old to feel obliged to apologize for it.
My favorite guitar pedal whining in.
The main character in trying to twist words and meanings. Rather poorly unfortunately.
The apology was only a part of the reply.
At the end where it belonged...
You know once I realized how I simply missed out on that incredibly funny comedy act.

But hey Skull tries hard so cut my pedal a little slack. His strong suit is pushing agendas and spreading misinformation.

The actual apology section...

My mistake.. My apologies.. Totally sincere. You are a hilarious comedian and I simply missed the high browed humor you are flinging.
Or perhaps it was sarcasm.
Definitely one of the two.

Dude, unless someone made you the "what's acceptable here" nazi and forgot to inform the rest of us, you'd be well served to take the previous advice and grow some thicker skin. You're the one who launched into a diatribe against us mealy mouths 'cause you didn't like us talkin' shit about hard tails. Get over yourself.
I didn't write the forum welcome.
It's ideals and the forum rules dictate what's acceptable. They are pretty clear and those insults are clearly on the outside.
Say hello to reality.

"I'll see your mealy mouth and raise you one Nazi" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Get caught telling lies about what is and isn't said in the thread and now you are dropping atom bomb insults. Despicable.
I served this great nation just as you have along with many other members.
A Low Life insult to someone that sacrificed for this country. Given sooo flippantly.
That remark is so absolutely pathetic that I won't even respond.
The deeper this thread goes , the darker it gets apparently. I had left the thread until you decided to school me with your false information.

I don't need thicker skin.
I simply made what was an obvious observation about this thread.
One explanation was given that is was just a comedy act. Sure. Seems reasonable.:rolleyes:
So I was ready to move on. Point was made.
Then you decided to intervene in an embarrassingly feeble attempt to spread that lie saying that no derogatory statements were made. They indeed were. Of course you know this as I refreshed your memory for you. Seems to me that it isn't MY skin that needs to get thicker.
The thread gets called out...
YOU decide you have to resort to lying to make a point...
YOU go atomic calling me a Nazi..
Everything I pointed out is truthful.
Obviously Nicholson was right..
"You can't handle the truth"
Personally I have had great enjoyment in watching the guilty parties floundering about. Can't get this kind of entertainment on Netflix.

I tried to leave this thread once.
I accepted Griz's explanation, even if it was in a backhanded way, and was ready to move on. Jim intervened with his Bozo post.
The foundation of which was a blatant lie.
My favorite whiney pedal made a heroic effort but like all his efforts, he falls short of being even a little bit on point. Of course he most likely doesn't know much about points since he isn't really the sharpest.
Never a good sign for your side when Skull jumps on board.

As I said I was done with this thread.
But we can do this all day.
All night.
All weekend.
You decide
[IMG alt="BluzPlayer"]https://www.xs650.com/data/avatars/m/30/30835.jpg?1653712881[/IMG]

designs and workmanship are spectacular.
I followed your build in 2021 which I thought was one of the best bikes I saw all year.
Absolutely nothing against any of the bikes chosen for the 2022 calendar, but I thought and still believe excluding that build while littering the calendar with simple survivors was just terrible. Especially when 3 or 4 look about the same with different colors. I can't ever recall as a young man or later, anytime that I ever looked for or forward to finding a calendar containing unrestored (true restoration) or unmodified vehicles. I'm always astonished how people overlook quality and innovative ideas to reward the simplest and most minimum of abilities (being simple maintenance) even when based on personal relationships. But it is what it is. It is a community calendar. It is voted on by the membership. Popularity pays dividends.
I doubt it concerns you much. I concur.
Now that I am actually active I will be nominating your work going forward.
You are a premier builder and I am happy that you share your work. Kudos.

My, (650Skull), reply to the above post

You had been a member for 2 years when the nominations for 2022 calendar were being posted..........There were several posts asking for more nominations because there were just enough to make a calendar and more were needed to make a decent amount of nominations to vote on..............Where were your 3 nominations then, instead of making a point about it now, maybe you should have done something then.

Some one who buys a bike, knows nothing and learns to change the oil, set the points and tappets and rides the bike gets as much satisfaction, (maybe more), as someone who can use a lathe and make parts for their build. The Calendar is about the love and pride of owning your XS650 and being able to show it off. Looking down ones nose on those deemed to be unworthy is not what the calendar is about.

Bluzplayer...............Attack, insult and lie
What do you know.
For once Skull and I are in agreement. Kinda sorta.
Indeed I was a member of the site for 2 years when the calendar nominations were submitted.
I wasn't actually active at the time other than a few pm's to various members gathering some parts.
So I just stayed out of it. It is aftr all a community calendar and although I was indeed a member; I did not feel that I was a part of the community. More like an outsider looking in. I spent my time on the forum then mostly devouring the tech section and studying various builds. Regardless I could have made my opinion known and offered up the nomination. I didn't.
I am however an active member now and I will rectify that oversight going forward.

I don't remember the satisfaction an owner gets being part of the conversation but then again it's not uncommon for you to get things twisted in some manner. There is no doubt that every bike owner gets enjoyment from whatever level build they have. That is why they have a bike to begin with. You can make your own opinion on what the calendar is about and I could really give a rat's azz what it is. There is nothing written in the rules that states or agrees with your opinion.
I made it plain in the post( the parts you intentionally failed to quote, because it is just you being you) that I am fully aware of what the calendar is about. It is a community calendar that is voted upon by the membership. The qualifications of each member voting are for each individual voting to decide. Voter A, B, or C can and most likely will have different criteria. And furthermore none of them may match YOUR criteria of what the calendar is about. Popularity pays dividends.
So does participation on the site.
So does hosting build threads so membership feels an attachment to the machine and has knowledge of what went into it. I never said the bikes that made the calendar were undeserving. They deserved the spots because they were voted in.
It is funny to me that you try setting YOUR standard for what the calendar means for the entire community. Yet you dismiss MY opinion about what I consider to be a calendar worthy bike.
Imagine that from the forum bully...
Who could see that coming.
It is absurd that you think you can dictate my or anyone else's opinion.
My preference for a calendar would include high quality builds, true restorations of stock machines, one or two hardtails, a special, and a single survivor provided there are quality representations available for all those groups represented. I like variety represented on a calendar.
I like high quality. Survivors have a place and I mentioned as such in my intro thread. I just don't believe that 25% of the calendar should be survivors while overlooking spectacular builds. I am fully aware that this is MY opinion. I believe it would make for a better calendar to me. Again it is voted on by the membership and each member has their own criteria so it is what it is.
But the calendar seems to be more of a good old boys club handing out participation trophies than the type of calendar I would want. Of course these are mostly sold to the membership and not a broader audience. Therefore it works.
I may be the only person here that thinks this way, but I'm ok with that.
When I think of something being calendar worthy, I just naturally think about the best of the best.
The community has it's own collective voice and I'm quite fine with it. So Mr. Dictator...
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Perfect display of your twists and turns Skull.
It's like you are on my side now.
That most definitely can't be good.
All this because an anonymous Craigslist user posted his bike for about 5500 more than its worth. I hope he’s happy, wherever he is, the bastard
My favorite guitar pedal whining in.
The main character in trying to twist words and meanings. Rather poorly unfortunately.
The apology was only a part of the reply.
At the end where it belonged...
You know once I realized how I simply missed out on that incredibly funny comedy act.

But hey Skull tries hard so cut my pedal a little slack. His strong suit is pushing agendas and spreading misinformation.

The actual apology section...

Or perhaps it was sarcasm.
Definitely one of the two.

I didn't write the forum welcome.
It's ideals and the forum rules dictate what's acceptable. They are pretty clear and those insults are clearly on the outside.
Say hello to reality.

"I'll see your mealy mouth and raise you one Nazi" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Get caught telling lies about what is and isn't said in the thread and now you are dropping atom bomb insults. Despicable.
I served this great nation just as you have along with many other members.
A Low Life insult to someone that sacrificed for this country. Given sooo flippantly.
That remark is so absolutely pathetic that I won't even respond.
The deeper this thread goes , the darker it gets apparently. I had left the thread until you decided to school me with your false information.

I don't need thicker skin.
I simply made what was an obvious observation about this thread.
One explanation was given that is was just a comedy act. Sure. Seems reasonable.:rolleyes:
So I was ready to move on. Point was made.
Then you decided to intervene in an embarrassingly feeble attempt to spread that lie saying that no derogatory statements were made. They indeed were. Of course you know this as I refreshed your memory for you. Seems to me that it isn't MY skin that needs to get thicker.
The thread gets called out...
YOU decide you have to resort to lying to make a point...
YOU go atomic calling me a Nazi..
Everything I pointed out is truthful.
Obviously Nicholson was right..
"You can't handle the truth"
Personally I have had great enjoyment in watching the guilty parties floundering about. Can't get this kind of entertainment on Netflix.

I tried to leave this thread once.
I accepted Griz's explanation, even if it was in a backhanded way, and was ready to move on. Jim intervened with his Bozo post.
The foundation of which was a blatant lie.
My favorite whiney pedal made a heroic effort but like all his efforts, he falls short of being even a little bit on point. Of course he most likely doesn't know much about points since he isn't really the sharpest.
Never a good sign for your side when Skull jumps on board.

As I said I was done with this thread.
But we can do this all day.
All night.
All weekend.
You decide
Wow.... if sarcasm was thicker skin, you'd be bulletproof.
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