I have to admit to a fault.

XS-IVE Habit

XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Cullowhee, NC
As a 19 year old with little to no money, I must admit to something that will be my downfall. I DO NOT GET RID OF MOTORCYCLES, I simply put them out of view of my mother. When I bought my '75 the deal was I had to sell my blown up Suzuki DR 350. Well while off at school I found an excellent deal on a suzuki RM 125 which I will be trading to get a cherry Suzuki DR 350. I will then switch with parts from mine to make 2 DR 350's. One road ready touring enduro and one with a serious knobby so my dad can hit the trails with me. So now not only do I have to hide 1 but 2 motorcycles!
Don't hide em, just admit you have a problem and your family will understand. That's what I do. :D
majority rule, then! But I guesse your mom will be burning dinner for u guys for a while. keep'em though. these are your good times, good or bad.
I feel your pain. I collect old bikes (currently own 9 bikes). Unlike cats, they don't piss on the floor. That may change when I finally score a vintage Triumph.
Reminds of myself when I bought my very first bike. Mom says no bikes at this house. So I kept it at my aunts house problem solved.
I bought a house at 23 so now I have all the room I need (well not really 30x30 garage is slowly shrinking ) I did have to put 2 xs's in the basement!
Hell, when I was 19 I had nearly 30 bicycles in my parents basement, two VW projects in THEIR garage and one bedroom packed FULL of my die cast car collection in 20 gallon rubber maid totes and I didn't even live at home.

I also had a VW Camper Bus, Mini Cooper, Rabbit GTI and Ducati in my storage shed. When I moved away, it was a nightmare moving.

At 19 and still living at home, I'd say obey the Mom. free food, free housing and space for motorcycles doesn't always last forever!