Motorcycle stops running when on a trip and doesn't start anymore?


XS650 New Member
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This topic is just for knowing what it is,
I want to buy a XS 650 but the engine doesn't want to start the owner says.
He was running it and the engine just fell out and he doesn't want to start again?
He says that,when he want to start it, that the engine only blows air out of the mufflers and the airfilters I think he wants to say. My English is not so good so i hope you can help me out guys?
Love this bike but If it is a big problem I don't want to buy it?
Please help me.
have photos and price? theres another guy from belgium on here, maybe he can help you on its value in your area. where i live bikes are gold and sell for stupid prices, but you go somewhere else and its not the same story. can you check to see if its getting spark from the plugs. id start there. if you get spark then you are not too far away. check compression too if you can. whats the bike look like its it rusty bad tires do lights work. whats your plans chopping it or stocker? it all depends on a lot of things. is it worth the money to buy it and then put into it on top of the buying price.
The bike is allready rebuild to a hardtailed one! I have not seen him in real but only from pics on the net. But I have contacted the seller and asked him what the problem was with the engine? He told me the story that he was driving and suddenly the engine fell out and he didn't get it started again. And now the engine doen't want to start again! there is only air coming out of it he says??
But I am just a rookie in this kind of things but I said to myself,Why not asked the guys on the forum it. So here I am.
Thanks Jake,but I allready took a look at it. And replied his thread. But thanks anyway! And yes maybe I have to hire a mechanic for this.
Welcome to the forum HotRodBug.
I'd suggest looking for another unless this frame is just what you have to own.
Unless you just want the challenge a motor that has quit/died and won't restart could be several things.
From the worst case where the previous owner possibly melted holes in the pistons to a simple case of fuel contamination. With at least a dozen different things in between.
All hard for us to help with if we don't have more specific information.
To supply that info you would actually have to be able to lay hands on the bike for testing purposes.
And even then we can only help with the known systems. If the PO has created a mess of the wiring, installed their version of the magic carbs(the ones that get you a top end of 120 mph and 60 mpg) installed a rogue pma or one of the special ignition systems you have to be lucky enough to find someone who has tried the same thing to know anything about it.
Good luck and come on back with questions and PICS( we love pics).