22's 1980 xs650 build thread

The extended part of that round piece goes up. The slot in the turn signal "lever" fits down around it, pivots and slides on it. Grease it .....

I use a bit of flux on the blob and on the copper ring a solder iron to push them together zip zowie zam all fixed, This is VERY common, resoldered at least 4 or 5 of them.
And have at least one more that needs it. :laughing:

Might be a dumb question but do you add new solder or just re-melt the old?
Okay, all good on the signal front! Was a little finicky but not too bad. The turn signal switch was a bit stiff/sticky after putting it all back together and I did use grease but maybe not enough or maybe not in all the right spots, I also used dielectric grease because it was beside me, maybe it wasn't the best choice, either way after clicking it back and forth a bit it loosened up and starting spring back better. Next I went to check the cam chain adjustment. I tried the engine running method and basically set it so I could just feel the pin moving with my finger on it, I found it hard to actually see because of the oil and the constant vibration of the whole bike but I think it's fine. Next up is to check the valves then finally ride! Also, I'll need to check the battery and the charging system. It was 12.8 before running it and after having it idle for 10 or so minutes it was 13.15 volts once I had it turned off.
If you set the cam chain tension with the engine cold, you'll want/need to check it again when it's hot. Expansion can cause the chain to become too tight.
I don't know if idling for 5 to 10 minutes would get it hot enough. It's probably best that you check it again right after getting back from a ride, when you're sure the engine is up to operating temp. Just pop the acorn cover nut off the adjuster and have a look.
Worked on the valves tonight and wow can they be frustrating for a first timer, you get to a point where you just say good enough, right? It took me a while but I think by the end I had a half decent technique that should cut my time in half next time hopefully. Anyways the bike has only seen about 15 minutes of idle time but thoughts on the plugs would be great, the lighting isn't great and I still need to learn what a good plug looks like.


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When it comes to the valves all I did was turn the rotor to TDC check which cylinder had the valves that could wiggle and set them, turned the rotor 360 degrees to TDC and set the other cylinder, that's all it is, yeah?