Hi Everyone, Thanks a bunch for the compliments guys, XSLeo, Allegro40, Crash, twinsarehot, Bigpup, ALL of you. The secret is to find people who know more then you and copy them
Jayel, Yes it is amazing how good they go in the snow but I still need to find the right tires, maybe studed knobbies for next season
Pumps and Barb, That is the front end I was building and is just a "leading link" design, used rail buggy shocks on it and they work great! Amazing how easy it turns now
Up hill taking a left turn can be done with one hand on bars, even with passenger in chair! Barb and Jayel can tell testify thats the most effort usually needed on the bars to turn. Yes Skull hugs all around my friend
Torque, I could not get the grin off my face when watching that vid
thanks for posting it! Same to Jay, ski at 100mph! those guys are crazy
Ryan, did we meet at rice o rama? I was not there this past yaer because of a mixup they had on date and location
I will see you this year I'm sure