Interesting motorcycles, not XS650

I saw a Harley like this in a museum once, that claimed to be Elvis’s Harley,

Then again I saw a Triumph that was supposed to be the one that Evel Kneivel jumped at Ceasars Palace and the Captain America Harley from Easy Rider………but I’m pretty sure they weren’t really the originals. 😄
I saw a Harley like this in a museum once, that claimed to be Elvis’s Harley,
View attachment 251026

Then again I saw a Triumph that was supposed to be the one that Evel Kneivel jumped at Ceasars Palace and the Captain America Harley from Easy Rider………but I’m pretty sure they weren’t really the originals. 😄
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The Ceaser’s Palace bike broke in half upon landing. Do you think someone repaired that mess?
The Ceaser’s Palace bike broke in half upon landing. Do you think someone repaired that mess?
The Ceaser's bike did not break in half...thats an urban myth. If you watch the Linda Evans/John Derek movie footage, you can clearly see it gets pretty torn up but certainly didnt break in half.

Here's the actual aftermath:


The Ceaser's bike did not break in half...thats an urban myth. If you watch the Linda Evans/John Derek movie footage, you can clearly see it gets pretty torn up but certainly didnt break in half.

Here's the actual aftermath:

View attachment 251030

That myth has been perpetuated on screen. Thanks for the clarification.
That myth has been perpetuated on screen. Thanks for the clarification.
Much like the many myths about the James Dean crash and what happened to the car. Seems that as far as the car goes, there is no definitive answer, Perhaps there will be "Indiana Jones and the Missing Spyder" one day.
Much like the many myths about the James Dean crash and what happened to the car. Seems that as far as the car goes, there is no definitive answer, Perhaps there will be "Indiana Jones and the Missing Spyder" one day.
Specifically, it was my belief that the frame bent or broke at the neck. I'm going forward with today's information as it isn't important enough for me to research it. If it's the real deal, certainly it's of high value.
Thought i'd share a picture of one of my other projects. Still not done and on the road yet, but it looks like a proper motorcycle again. 1974 FLHView attachment 251618View attachment 251619

Wery fine Machine
Is that not actually a very desired bike it looks to be in fine Condition
I would have a small passenger seat just for the look
Stock Discs ??
Electric starter ?? kick installed after ?
Foot clutch option new ?
Repainted ?
Please tell more

The Brit triples was also fine .. shame thy did not pull trough..I liked the BSA rocket best.