No,No ! you put the shit In the radiator ! ....
Used that method to plug the radiator in a gas powered D2 crawler back in the ancient days ! it worked ! it would leak out about a gallon an hour ...after the dried horse turds.... ( plural ) crumbled up and dropped into the radiator while the engine was running
it quit leaking for probably 3 or 4 years before a new turd needed added to freshen it up ! LOL
Seriously ! it really does work ! AHHAHAHAHA I know it sounds absurd but upon asking an old timer about using sage in a radiator
he laughed and said I just put an old dry horse nugget in there ! ya don't need sage boy !
.... I went home and tried it and I was delighted to find the old timer was right ! plugged the leak but good !
..... the fine things you miss out on by not being raised in the back of beyond ! LOL
..... things like Canned milk for patching tires, horse shit for patching radiators,where to rub your noggin for headaches , and where to look for those onery cows that got out ! .... not to mention how to split wood, feed the horses, cows,pigs, chickens and Dogs.and all the other endless work that needs done on a ranch ! ..... Now I remember why I left ! LOL too damm much work !