You might want to watch this, but you've been warned...

Stand up straddling the bike and push on the right bar and the bike will lean to the right. Push on the left bar and the bike will lean to the left. Then go out on the road and push on the right and you'll swerve right. Push on the left and you'll swerve to the left. If you're headed for something like in the OP video, just push on the bar in the direction you need to go -- you'll lean that way and go that way. One time I got a good view of what happens -- I was driving a car stopped at a light and a bike coming from my left made a right turn. The front wheel was turned left but the bike was turning right! Looked weird as hell and also kind of cool, When you turn at highway speed you do this, countersteer, whether you realize it or not. You don't choose between countersteering and some alternative. It's good to consciously practice it as an evasion maneuver. To go right push on the right bar. Say it over and over....
I've always countersteered... was taught that way. During the normal course of riding I never lean. Even a small course correction... I never lean, just a gentle tweak on the bars. How I learned in 68 and how I still do it. In a panic dodge it's instinctive... cause that's all I ever do.