Jim's 1980 SG Miss September

Strange reflection on the valve cover.


Is that a " floating head"?
Strange reflection on the valve cover.

View attachment 124512

Is that a " floating head"?

Hmmm. I am going with previous owners looking to over you and giving u a hand ;)

You got the one guy on the left with hands crossed and one leg up. Then you have the guy in the middle wearing some black motorcycle tshirt with flames on the bottom of it and an engine with wings and then you have the third guy on the right dressed in a black motorcycle suit and black helmet. :ninja:
Que "The Outer Limits" music.....
I does look like a floating head. Ya made me go back and set the camera at the same angle.... It's just the LED lighting above the work bench...
Keep telling yourself that! Did you hear that strange noise just before you opened the shop door? Never mind probably just the wind!
Haha, youz guyz totally crack me up.

...on the left of the floating skull was a young lady in jeans and a dark T-shirt holding a baby with a large head...

Below them and in front slightly to the left is a little girl in a hula skirt being attacked by a goose...

Paul, whatever's in your "English tea", I want some.

Welcome to the "Weekend Hallucinogenics Games"...
That is a nifty tool but I just use the 4mm open end from a Craftsman metric ignition wrench set. I must say, that is one great little wrench set, perfect for the little jobs like carb work. Small very slim wrenches but not too big so you don't over-tighten things.

G'day 5T,

I use my Craftsman Ignition spanners/wrenches a lot a great set and at the time beat the shit out of Snap On price wise.

More Odds and Ends...
So, hooked up the headlight today, fired the bike up... and everything worked. Hi, low, hi beam indicator. Unplugged low beam and RLU turned on the warning light and switched to hi beam/low pwr. Great... now I can button up the headlight.... Waitaminute.... there's two loose wires in here.... Hmmmm.... front brake switch.... Shoot. :(
OK then.... been puttin' off the brakes. Guess it's time to get on 'em. Disassembled Master cyl. Front brake didn't work when I got the bike, so.... was a little apprehensive.


I've seen worse.... the good news is the bore isn't pitted. :) Grabbed my box of new parts to match everything up... in order.... shoot. All I've got is the rear rebuild kit. Could'a swore I ordered both. Kits on order.... now.

Test question: Anybody know how you get the brake switch out of the housing? Is it just pressed in?

Hey Jim, I really like that M/C cover!
Regarding the brake light switch, it should push in and then it clicks into place. You will have to go in from the plunger side, and slip something beside the plunger and depress the clips, you should be able to pull it free then.
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On that brake piston is a little black rubber thing - not sure of its name?? When you order a master cylinder kit they sometimes come with that thingy pre-fitted, sometimes they do not. I wonder how people go about fitting them on? Notice how there are large diameters either side of its position.

Also, be careful with that square cross-section o-ring that seals the reservoir in place, have not seen them for sale anywhere. Must be very rare!
On that brake piston is a little black rubber thing - not sure of its name?? When you order a master cylinder kit they sometimes come with that thingy pre-fitted, sometimes they do not. I wonder how people go about fitting them on? Notice how there are large diameters either side of its position.

To get the cup on the piston just have to lube up with some clean brake fluid and carefully work it on. They will stretch right over the high points, assuming they are a good quality cup and not some cheap junk parts.

As for the seal ring for the res. I managed to locate an oring the right size that worked for me, no leak in over a year. I do recall that someone found that, I believe it was Kawasaki that does offer them for one of their bikes, the plastic reservoir is a different shape but the part that the oring seal is the same. I'm sure someone with better memory will chime in soon!