Whats your weather right now?

Well it’s March 25th and I just turned on the air conditioner! o_O It’s 7:00 PM and 85 degrees out. Humbug!
Well, it's March 25th and I just took off my jumper. Uhm, that's pullover/sweater/jersey.

Anyhoo, warm enough at the front of the house to sit out without needing that extra layer. Temperature yesterday afternoon reached 16°C - that's about 60-ish in Fahrenheit. In March!
Bloody glorious warm sunny day here in Cardiff today.
A view from my work desk out to the sunny street in front of my furniture shop.
I'm stuck in the shop serving no-one as its sunny and customers have better things to do than buy furniture....Bugger!:shrug:


Since the clock change, I finish my daily walk before the Sun is up. Today, such a strange atmosphere walking through the woods in the half-light and clinging fog. Weird.

Maybe damp air conducts sound better but the dawn chorus seemed louder than ever, hundreds of clamorous birds competing in a natural Eisteddfod. Song thrushes, wrens, blackbirds, even pheasants.

When I came to the river, the light was growing but seemed equal in all directions. The whole world was no more than the riverbank fading into nothingness a hundred yards up- and down-stream, with the far bank indicated only by a vague line of larches looming out of the gray, nothing could be seen behind them. A self-contained little world of damp, the air seemed as wet as the river.

As the morning goes on, the Sun will soon clear the fog, the weirdness will also lift and the world will return to return to everyday normality.

As I walked back through the village carrying beer cans I had retrieved from the path, I greeted a couple of villagers also out and about early. I wondered if they now think I go down to the woods for a few beverages in the cold pre-dawn?
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Well, it is beautiful clear sunny day here on Canada's southern coast - but it is cold: -3C (feels like -6C) or 27 deg. F, (feels like 25 deg. F) and it is dampish and windy so the cold really gets in there. I noticed that our pond has skimmed over with ice again (there was a Canada Goose walking around on the edge of it).

C'mon warm sunny spring!

Oh well....I'm still trapped in my dungeon so I guess it doesn't matter to me, but I know it would be nice for other folks to be able to get out.

What I hate about the weather we have had the last couple weeks is the snow was all gone and the sun has been out enough to warm up the ground and driveway pretty good. Now we get dumped on with around si inches of snow and temps in the 20's or below. Now when you try to snow blow the driveway and walks the wet snow on the bottom freezes to the cold steel of the blower and makes it stick like epoxy. Actually snapped a Vee-belt yesterday that was only a few months old, usally get several years out of them!
the dawn chorus seemed louder than ever, hundreds of clamorous birds competing in a natural Eisteddfod. Song thrushes, wrens, blackbirds, even pheasants.

When I came to the river, the light was growing but seemed equal in all directions. The whole world was no more than the riverbank fading into nothingness a hundred yards up- and down-stream, with the far bank indicated only by a vague line of larches looming out of the gray, nothing could be seen behind them. A self-contained little world of damp, the air seemed as wet as the river.

Raymond you live in a magical world my friend. How I envy your daily nature walks and your picturesque landscape. Maybe some photos while you’re out in nature one day? I’d love to see it. :geek:

This morning here in the desert Southwest, it’s cloudy and breezy with intermittent showers, 58 degrees now, reaching 68 for a high this afternoon. Fog is an especially rare occurrence here, the air is too dry and warm.
Our little hedgehog cactus dripping from the morning rain,
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Maybe some photos while you’re out in nature one day? I’d love to see it.
Bob, I never think of taking a camera when I go out in the morning before breakfast. Probably too dark anyway at this time of year. But here's a few pictures I took on that route one winter morning - apologies if I've put these up before.


The first two are in the glen on the way to the river, the third is coming back into the village under the disused railway bridge.