Old Topic-Dragging Starter Fix


XS650 Addict
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Fredericksburg Va.
I know this is almost as redundant as a "What type of oil do I run in my XS650" thread, but it never hurts to cover all bases. I have on my workbench the starter gear replacement kit from Mikes XS. Of course it includes the gear, clip, spring and I even ordered the a set of replacement clips in case one goes flying across the garage, damn sure wouldn't be the first time. It is for my XS Bobber, I am just tired of listening to drag and this has been on my winter maintenance list for quite awhile. I have looked at all the video's and read threads on this site about the procedure, but thought I seek any additional support or tidbits the very learned members of the site might inject for smooth install, or just feel free to wish me luck.
You may need to squeeze the new drag clip tighter before install. Many times they're too loose right out of the box. Personally, I don't care for that repair kit. The drag clip is weaker than the original because it has flats machined on the sides. I prefer to just squeeze an original tight again. Did you try this fix on the original ? Do you have a fishing scale? That's what you need to test the drag clip to see if it's tight enough.
Thanks 5T for the information. I haven't pulled it down yet, I am waiting on U-Ship to pick up a project bike so I can clear the lift. I will also pick up a Wally World fishing scale beforehand....
Thanks 5T for the information. I haven't pulled it down yet, I am waiting on U-Ship to pick up a project bike so I can clear the lift. I will also pick up a Wally World fishing scale beforehand....
I have had success in using a 6mm drill bit in the loop of the spring when squeezing it tighter. I also find that if the pull drag on the spring is at least 5 lbs using the fishing scale, I have no more issues with it, but that's using the OEM spring. I cannot speak to the required drag with the Mikes XS repair kit, though I do have one on the shelf, just in case. Interested to read your account of the repair using it.
Found this bulletin in my factory service manual about the starter drag fix. I found it interesting where they recommend placing the loop of the spring outside of the saddle, not in the actual indentation. I tested my Mikes spring on the new gear, at almost 8 pounds, so I should be fine, but will make the final call when I get in there, hopefully the first of next week. There is a new toy coming into the garage tomorrow if all goes well, going to be tempted to play around with that, but I will try to be vigilant to the task at hand....


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Yes, the factory replacement drag clip is made of heavier wire than the original so it won't fit in the original notch. Your MikesXS clip may be the same, you'll just have to see when you get in there.
Finished it up this morning, cranks like new. I ended up using the Mikes gear and spring, I did have to compress it the vise to make it fit in the saddle. Very happy with the results. The old gear didn't show a lot of wear but the spring tension was low. I did the vise trick on that also and the tension came back to well over 7lbs, it will go in my stash in case another XS ever comes along. I really enjoy this little bobber, but sadly it may be going out the door soon. With a new addition (Honda Dream) you just can't keep them all.........


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you just can't keep them all.........
I'm finding out the same thing, sold one Sportster and in the process of trying to do a deal on selling the other one with the sidecar. Still have one 1982 XS650 on the road and have not given up on the 1978 that I need to get a title for and finish a few odds and ends to get it going.

Wife is thinking about selling her GTV300 Vespa. She does have the CanAm Spyder she got earlier this year!
Another fix for the starter gear spring is to place a bit of 3mm stock between tne hairpin, clamp it in the vice and bend the large arcs inward. You get more tension this way and there's no need to squash the hairpin.
Sometimes crushing the hairpin bend just doesn't do the job.


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Another fix for the starter gear spring is to place a bit of 3mm stock between tne hairpin, clamp it in the vice and bend the large arcs inward. You get more tension this way and there's no need to squash the hairpin.
Sometimes crushing the hairpin bend just doesn't do the job.
That is on my "to do list" for when I get some ambition this winter. Would like to get the 1983 to start about 75% of the time with the electric foot!
What's wrong with 100 percent of the time. I don't even have a kicker on my 74, took it off after converting to a PMA. And no, I'm not intending on riding across the Simpson desert.