xs charge

Yeah, I think its clear your kindness was taken advantage of this time. Don't ever change Hugh... its a small world and I dont see Rick being around for long. I could make a list of the companies that failed due to poor customer service, but it would take too long. The only reason Mikes is still around is that they offer products that aren't available anywhere else... shame really.
Many +'s to the comments of Shotgunjoe and all the others who support Hugh - keep doing what you're doing, it's the right way to do business, and you can look yourself straight in the eye whenever you pass a mirror. My TCI is still doing it's job (knock on wood), so I haven't been in the market yet for a PMA kit, but if (when?) the day comes, Hugh is my man.
Hugh,It's refreshing to find "old school"- personal touch buisness guys still around.Quality
still matters and your buisness should thrive. I've chosen your products recently,and will again.Don't let "wheeler dealers" affect your aproach too much...
Many thanks to Hugh for his expertise in his quest to help us 650 owners make our machines more dependable. I bought three of his bracket/regulators and bought new stators that would fit Yamaha XV250 Route66 88-90 just so I could keep it all Yamaha. Everything went together well, after getting the woodruff key modified. The xs charge guy seems to have ripped off Mr Riggs big time. Doesn't say much for his ethics. I say get items for your upgrade from known sources.
I see that the XS Charge system is now on ebay with a rotor that apparently has a keyway cut so no filing of the key is necessary to mount it. Not an endorsement, just information.

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I'd never do business with xs charge. Just bad people over there. Greedy, lying, and not here to help fellow xs650 builders.

Plain and simple they are in here to make a quick buck.

Seriously, where are they in the forums?
When have they offered any help or insight?