May 5th – 8th, 2022 Ozarks Rally VI, Mountain View, Arkansas.

Do it! Make a plan. Most of these bikes come in on trailers.
Hi marty,
I remember seeing an ad for "mileage in a can" an aerosol that sprayed a mix of road dirt, engine oil and "a guaranteed 17% of genuine insect parts" onto your garage queen after you rolled it off it's trailer. Mind you, I think the ad was a spoof.
I hear you about the pace of some cruises. In my car club and local bike cruises I tend to be one of the last people in the group. I don’t mind a short term burst of speed but to run consistently 15+ mph over the speed limit is not enjoyable for me (I value my licence and insurance costs too much). I just tell my friends I’ll catch up with them at the next stop. Usually between rest stops, the “fast pack” gets there a few minutes before I do.
Yes, yes, yes. Historically, this group is fairly small. The smaller it is, the more spirited the ride. As it grows, those would be stragglers won’t be left behind. We wait at every turn. Everyone must ride their own ride. I’ve seen plenty of crashes at rallies, and it’s usually someone trying to keep up with a faster rider right in front of them. I’m not aware of any crashes at this rally and it is best kept that way. It’s supposed to be fun for all of us.
This rally seems like a blast but too far for this “Northerner”. Hopefully I will be able to participate in some of these events in the future, before my old bones tell me no way.

Have a great Rally and post lots of pics and videos.
You are not getting younger...
I did a bunch of overhauls on mine that needs completion. I rebuilt the master cylinder, and the joint is leaking. I annealed the copper washers, but that didn't work. I ordered new ones, but mistakenly ordered M8 instead of M10. I'm having pain getting the clutch adjusted after replacing the cable and perch. After that, a couple of cotter pins and an oil change should finish it, unless I find the need to go back to stock jetting. It's always something. It's an endearing quality that this motorcycle needs so much attention.
At the mercy of the shop now. BS, BS, BS... The call went "Is the bike ready?" (Front and rear tires). "Well the tech working on it went on vacation" (??????? silent WTFs) Then, "A problem with the front tire, we should know by Friday at 2pm if we have a new good one". Did they order a wrong size or was a defective tire delivered last week and they didn't catch it? Mean time I had some clutch questions I wanted to answer and a few other small things to adress before I depart for the Ozarks.
We thought back through the day and realized we had seen D with a Heineken, with a Michelob, with some Buds... but no PBR's.
Well, you all did have your chance at 'em. Funny how tastes run. I always liked the PBR's and Old Milwaukie beers more than Miller or Bud, or Coors, etc. But I know one beer no one liked, Iron City Beer. A friend would keep that stocked in his fridge for drop-by's. "Want a beer?" Gee, no thanks.